Wednesday, January 19, 2022
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Committee recognising pandemic restrictions, request SDCC to liaise with Fáilte Ireland, the media, local hospitality partners and local entertainment/leisure/activity outlets to establish the 'Home to Clondalkin Campaign' to run from 1st June to 31st August each year (starting in 2022). This with a view to encouraging the Clondalkin diaspora to return home for the summer holidays, thereby enhancing inbound tourism in the area."
The concept of a ‘Home to Clondalkin Campaign’ is redolent of The Gathering Ireland 2013 which was a tourism-led initiative aimed to mobilise the Irish diaspora to return to Ireland during 2013 to be part of specially organised local gatherings and events during the year. It was a government supported initiative driven primarily by Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland and relied on grassroots initiatives of private individuals, and non-governmental organisations.
Whilst the proposed ‘Home to Clondalkin Campaign’ would not be to the scale of The Gathering, it is worth recognising the findings of the Final Report on the initiative with regard to the need for sufficient time to plan, to establish a dedicated team to coordinate the initiatives and stakeholders, and the relatively high cost and the heavy resource requirements to stage and manage new events. There must also be regard to the cost of international media and publicity in relation to the very targeted nature of appealing to the Clondalkin diaspora. The Council does not have the resources to dedicate to such a venture.
It is clear from the Final Report on The Gathering that key to the success of the initiative was having things to see and do in a locality supported by the local communities. The Council’s Tourism Event and Festival Grant Scheme grew out of The Gathering initiative and this scheme provides financial support to organisations and organisers who plan to hold a public festival or event within the County. The aim is to fund innovative events/festivals that are supported by local businesses and communities which will add value to the county’s tourism product.
The current Programme For Government identifies a plan to make 2023 "the Year of the Invitation", which is described as "a global invitation to visit Ireland on the 10-year anniversary of The Gathering". The Council would consider a submission from a local group aimed at developing the concept, and would encourage local organisations and event organisers to consider applying to the Council’s Tourism Event and Festival grant scheme with regard to taking part in any future gathering initiative. Suitable events etc can then be uploaded to the Visit Dublin website to help with publicity