Monday, January 10, 2022
Summary Report of Meeting of South Dublin County Joint Policing Committee on Friday 19th November 2021 through Microsoft TEAMS
In Attendance:
Committee Members:
Cllr. Emma Murphy (Chair), Cllr. Yvonne Collins, Cllr. Mick Duff; Cllr. Louise Dunne; Cllr. Lynn McCrave, Cllr. Shane Moynihan, Cllr. Eoin Ó Broin, Cllr. Deirdre O’Donovan, Cllr. Shirley O’Hara, Cllr. Liona O’Toole, Cllr. Baby Pereppadan, Cllr. Peter Kavanagh (Mayor), Sean Crowe T.D., Emer Higgins T.D., John Lahart, T.D.; Mark Ward T.D., Chief Superintendent Peter Duff, An Garda Síochána; Colm Ward, South Dublin County Council; Sue Dorgan, Public Participation Network; Trevor Bissett, Clondalkin Drugs & Alcohol Task Force; Grace Hill, Tallaght Drugs & Alcohol Task Force.
Also in attendance:
Noreen Byrne, North Clondalkin LPF; Superintendent Ian Lackey, An Garda Síochána, Inspector Paul Maycock, An Garda Síochána; Sergeant Eoin Beatty, An Garda Síochána; Sarah Middleton, An Garda Síochána; Jennifer Moroney Ward, Andy Lane, Maria Nugent, Fionnuala Keane & Margaret Farrell (all South Dublin County Council).
Others Present:
Maurice Garvey, The Echo; William O’Connor, The Echo; Ian Begley, Daily Mail.
Cllr. Carly Bailey; Cllr. Derren Ó Brádaigh; Emer Meighan, Public Participation Network; Enda Creegan, Public Participation Network; Chief Superintendent Finbarr Murphy, An Garda Síochána.
1. Introduction
The Chair, Cllr. Murphy, opened the meeting.
2. Minutes of Meeting held on 17th September 2021 & Matters Arising
The minutes were proposed by Cllr. Murphy, seconded by Cllr. Duff and agreed as a true record of the previous meeting with no matters arising.
3. Correspondence
4. Governance
4.1 It was noted that the vacancy from the Social Inclusion Pillar is to be filled by the Public Participation Network.
4.2 Arrangements for the attendance by a South Dublin representative at the Ballyfermot LPF are to be followed up with Dublin City Council.
5. Garda Reports
5.1 Tallaght & Rathfarnham – DMR South
Chief Superintendent Duff gave a presentation with an overview of activity and statistics for the area which included the following:
• Remote fraud with a number of accounts being compromised - information on the Garda website
• Recent firearms seizures in in the Tallaght area in recent weeks with related investigations ongoing.
• Details of Operation Tombola for Halloween, with the assistance of the Council, resulting in removal of a number of bonfires.
• Ongoing engagement with transport stakeholders LUAS and Dublin Bus.
Cllrs. Duff and Dunne, Deputy Crowe and G.Hill raised issues including:
• prevention of widespread use of Nitrous Oxide and whether JPC can request legislation be brought in to regulate the sale of nitrous oxide.
• Policing of scrambler bikes over the Christmas period.
• Details of the age of those involved with minor harm and assault cases.
• Intimidation of Council staff invovled in removing bonfire material.
In response, Supt. Duff advised that:
• It is not currently illegal to purchase or carry nitrous oxide - Gardai can highlight risks but it is up to the Oireachtas to change legislation.
• New legislation is currently going through the Oireachtas in relation to scrambler bikes - it is generally too dangerous to pursue those on scrambler bikes.
• Statistics show that incidents of minor harm and assault are across all age groups.
• The Gardai have supported Council staff in the removal of bonfire material.
Deputy Crowe agreed to raise the use of Nitrous Oxide at a national level.
5.2 Clondalkin & Rathcoole – DMR West
Inspector Paul Maycock presented a report.
Cllrs. Kavanagh and Ó Broin raised issues including:
• Need for increased patrols at cemetery on Monastery Road due to vandalism and anti-social behaviour.
• Noting the reduction in drug searches and ASBO this year, query on how regularly ASBOs are used.
• Can Youth Services be linked in to areas where there is vandalism as part of community policing.
• Welcomed the clinic held in the Towers Reception Centre.
In response, it was noted that:
• An Garda Síochána will increase patrols on Monastery Road to help deter vandalism & anti-social behaviour.
• The Council should engage with Public Realm and review the height of the wall around the cemetery.
• Last year there were higher statistics of drug searches due to increased patrolling and a higher level of engagement with people during Covid policing.
• ASBOs have been used in Ireland for a number of years but only in specific circumstances with a ticket for public order offences being more appropriate in many instances.
5.3 Lucan & Ronanstown – DMR West
Sergeant Beatty on behalf of Chief Superintendent Murphy, presented a report including the following:
• Community Policing: The local Community Policing units will continue to liaise with residents to establish Neighbourhood Watch schemes, organise Lucan Garda Station Open Day, continue bike marking and tool engraving workshops and to liaise with local schools.
• Centenary Celebrations in 2022 will have a strong community appreciation element and involvement
Cllr. Murphy, Deputy Ward, Cllrs. Dunne & Cllr. Moynihan raised the following:
• Domestic violence reporting and supports available in the County.
• Sharing of information regarding anti-social behaviour with the Council.
• Storage of drugs in long grass areas and hedge rows and liaising with the Council on cutting such areas.
• Possibility of An Garda Síochána implementing a primary school programme and engage with young people in a positive way to try and deter young people for becoming drug dealers.
In response:
• Under the general guidance of the Assistant Commissioner for the DMR, Domestic Abuse Coordinators are being rolled out, along with support from other agencies. A Domestic Abuse Coordinator will be engaged however there are high risk markers in particular cases. Police forces worldwide find victims of domestic violence are reluctant to report issues - they may call in crisis mode and when the violence reduces, they can be reluctant to press charges.
• Information relating to anti-social behaviour is shared in a formal process once convictions are made. An Garda Siochána have a good relationship with the Council in dealing with issues reported by the Council.
• Gardai carry out searches of any areas where drugs have been reported to be stored and will work with the Council on areas with an ongoing problem.
• An Garda Siochána engage regularly with primary schools and there is also a Juvenile Liaison Officer in the district.
The Committee agreed to issue a press release to be aware of the dangers of scrambler bikes.
6 Local Policing Fora Reports
6.1 Clondalkin LPF: The Clondalkin section of the report was noted. The Clondalkin LPF meeting has been postponed until the New Year.
6.2 D12 LPF: The D12 section of the report was noted.
6.3 West Tallaght Community Safety Forum: The West Tallaght Community Safety Forum report was noted. The West Tallaght Community Safety Forum public meeting has been postponed until the New Year.
6.4 North Clondalkin, Lucan and Palmerstown LPF: This report was given by Noreen Byrne and was noted with the following two questions raised:
• What is happening with the boundary wall located between two estates in Lucan?
• How is the budget to be spent on the Safety & Inclusion study for Clondalkin, are there any updates?
Deputy Higgins and Cllrs. Murphy, Moynihan and McCrave raised the follwing:
• All LPF meetings should be encouraged to meet online if restrictions are in place.
• Plans for a Rathcoole LPF?
• Illegal dumping at Grange View.
• The boundary wall should be raised at the next Lucan Area Committee Meeting.
In response it was noted that:
• LPF meetings will be facilitated online by the Community Department.
• There is an ongoing issue of illegal dumping in Castle Park/Grange View is subject of discussions with local residents and the Council are also in the process of finalisign a design for redevelopment of the area.
• The boundary wall has been inspected and is not dangerous but one side of the boundary has been taken in charge by the Council and the other side has not.
• Funding has been secured through the Sláintecare Healthy Communities programme for public realm improvements to the The Black Lane in Neilstown.
• Balgaddy & MacUlliam will also benefit from public realm initiatives due to an increase in the budget and Sláintecare funding.
7. JPC Strategic Plan 2016-2022
The report was noted and the committee was informed that advice has been sought from the Policing Authority regarding a new plan in 2022.
8. JPC Subgroups: Drug Subcommittee
The Drugs Subcommittee last met in May 2021 and it has nto been possible to meet since due to various reasons but A. Lane will arrange a meeting early in 2022.
9. Any Other Business
Tallaght Drug & Alcohol Task Force Research propsoed for inclusion on agenda for the next JPC meeting. 2110204_TDATF_Research_Report-FINAL.pdf (
Video relating to the dangers and correct uses of Scrambler bikes to be circulated on Christmas Day via social media.
Deputy Lahart noted the progress made on the Scrambler Bill and requested representations be made from the JPC to the County Development Plan to install pro scrambler bike areas, similar to the scheme in Moyross.
C. Ward advised that if any local representatives wish to propose an area suitable to the community for a scrambler bike area, the Council will consider the initiative further.
10. Schedule of Meetings for 2022
JPC meetings are scheduled for the following dates in 2022:
Date Time Place
10a.m. Friday 28th January 2022 via Microsoft Teams
10a.m. Friday 22nd April 2022 (venue tbc)
10 a.m. Friday 16th September 2022 (venue tbc)
10 a.m. Friday 18th November 2022 (venue tbc)
The meeting ended at 11.40am.