South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, December 13, 2021


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

To ask the Chief Executive if there are plans to review the Guidelines for shop signage for heritage villages regarding how an enforceable signage policy for our heritage villages could be introduced that is sympathetic to the heritage and history of the village?


Currently there are no specific guidelines for Historic Villages in the County, however there are a number of policies that relate specifically to Architectural Conservation Areas (ACA) which include most of the historic villages in the County. 

With regard to regularising commercial/retail signage it is not the intention of an ACA to be prescriptive in this regard, however there are policies and objectives in the County Development Plan (CDP) 2016-2022 relating to shopfronts and signage.  In particular there is policy relating to shopfront design and signage included in the CDP Section 11.2.8 and 11.2.9, which states that shopfronts and signage in Architectural Conservation Areas should be in keeping with the character of the building and adhere to best practice. 

There is no mechanism available to address existing signage that is considered inappropriate which may have been in place prior to the formal ACA designation.  Unauthorised signage which has not been formally approved through planning is a planning enforcement issue.  Planning Applications that are submitted to the Planning Authority are assessed in accordance with the CDP and legislation pertaining to Architectural Conservation Areas.  Any planning application relating to proposed development in an ACA are also referred to the Councils Architectural Conservation Officer formally in assessing the overall visual impact, design etc in accordance with best practice and good design principles as part of Development Control process. The Planning Authority would also use similar principles for assessing development within historic villages that are not ACAs as the same assessment in relation to good design would apply.

As you are aware the County Development Plan is currently under review and has reached Draft stage.  As part of the this review a number of new policies have been included in the Draft CDP Written Statement (2022-2028) relating to retail signage and in particular “Policy NCBH 20 To ensure proposals for shopfronts and retail signage within ACAs adhere to best practice and achieve high quality designs which respect the character of the area. In this regard, applicants shall be required to have regard and adhere to the principles laid out in South Dublin's Shopfront Design Guide”. The following policy objectives have been included; QDP7 Objective 3: To require a high quality of design and finish for new and replacement shopfronts, signage, and advertising, having regard to the requirements set out in Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring. QDP7 Objective 4: To ensure that the principles of good shopfront design as set out in South Dublin County Council Shopfront Design Guidelines (2019) (or any superseding guidelines are adhered to)".