![South Dublin County Council Crest](https://meetings.southdublin.ie/Home/ViewDocument/de9efb17-d90a-43f2-a068-a1a201090082)
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
QUESTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
To ask the Chief Executive to report on actions taken to date and what is planned further following the deputation of Hillcrest Residents Association with SDCC last month?
The following commitments were given at the Deputation Meeting held with Hillcrest Residents Association on the 21st October 2021.
- Will look at the provision of a bin near the Tesco Area.
- Will look at providing signage regarding dog fouling at Hillcrest Park.
- Start tree stump removal in November.
- Will carry out a survey to establish if a pedestrian crossing is needed.
- Will look at the other entrance to the estate with the view of providing slow zone signs.
- Will meet with group on site to review sites for Yield Signs.
- Will include monies on the 2022 program. Area Engineer contact details will be sent to group for site meeting.
- Will pass on details of location given to Irish Water.
The following are updates in relation to each commitment:
- A litter bin will be provided near Tesco in the vicinity of Hillcrest Walk during Q4.
- Signage regarding dog fouling will be installed at suitable locations on Hillcrest Heights in the vicinity of the open space in Q4.
- Stump removal will commence in Hillcrest estate on Tuesday 30th November 2021 and the stumps will be removed by the end of the year.
- A traffic and pedestrian count has been procured for the Hilcrest Shopping centre proposed crossing. The results have not come back on this survey.
- A visual inspection will be conducted on 22nd November 2021 to look at whether the necessary Slow zone signage are in place and whether the lining and signing within the estate is adequate and in good condition.
- A meeting with the residents will take place when the necessary information detailed above is available.
- Monies will be included in 2022 subject to availability of finance. Contact details for Area Engineer have been passed onto residents to arrange a site meeting.
- Details have been passed on to SDCC Drainage department.