Tuesday, November 23, 2021
MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole
This committee requests that the Chief Executive agrees to support Lucan Tidy Towns in their endeavours to implement some projects around the Lucan/Village area. Two requests that they seek initial support for are: *Pollinating planting along the Lucan Road *Installation of a new litter bin/solar bin (*see detailed request below) *Large Scale Pollinator Friendly Planting: What plans have the Council in place for the autumn planting of pollinator friendly bulbs for flowering next Spring in the Lucan area? Will there be consultation with Lucan Tidy Towns to identify suitable areas? Lucan Tidy Towns are particularly interested in planting such bulbs along the Lucan Road outside the walls of St. Edmundsbury Estate. *Litter Bins for Lucan: What is the latest proposal for upgrading litter bins throughout Lucan? The majority of the bins around Lucan, especially the village, are unsightly. The recent placing of a second bin, albeit new, alongside an unsightly bins is unacceptable. What is the update on the installation of 'Belly Bins' in Lucan?
The Council's work to increase biodiverse planting and to provide pollinator friendly areas is continuing in accordance with the actions and objectives set out in the Pollinator Action Plan. The Public Realm Section has carried out pollinator planting schemes in 2021 to add to those planted in recent years. The pollinator planting scheme at Cherbury/Esker Glebe is one such example in the Lucan Area which was funded under the 2021 Public Realm Improvement Works Programme as agreed by the Council at the February Council meeting. While there are no further projects listed in the current Improvement Works Programme for further pollinator planting scheme this year, arrangements will be made to meet Lucan tidy Towns to assess areas for suitability. This will include an examination of the area outside the walls of St. Edmundsbury Estate. Subject to identification of a suitable location(s), the provision of pollinator planting scheme will be listed for consideration in the 2022 draft Public Realm Programme.
The current position with regard to the provision of solar powered bins is that while these bins are considered to be suitable in certain locations there is regrettably no funding in place at the present time to cover the substantial cost in providing this bin type. As previously reported the cost of a single unit is in the region of €6,000. A cost/benefit analysis has been prepared and shows that a major capital investment of around €2.5m would be required to provide this type of bin around the county. There is no proposal to provide this bin type at the present time.