South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, November 08, 2021


MOTION: Councillor L. McCrave

To ask the Chief Executive to give consideration to developing suitable strategies for this County, Towns and Villages that would ensure that South Dublin County Council is supportive of the objectives of Age Friendly Ireland, including the development of parking initiatives and benches etc. within the County.


The Council adopted a new Age Friendly County Strategy in September 2020, building on the previous such strategy, South Dublin’s position as an Age Friendly County and the Council being a signatory of the World Health Organisation Dublin Declaration on Age Friendly Cities and Counties.
The strategy includes nine thematic areas based on the WHO Themes considered to be the key factors affecting the quality of life of older people, namely:
• Transport,
• Housing, Social Participation,
• Respect and Inclusion,
• Civic Participation and Employment,
• Communication and Information,
• Community support and Health Services,
• Outdoor spaces and Public Buildings,
• Safety and Security

The work of the Age Friendly Programme manager over the last 12 months have largely been influenced by responses to the Covid pandemic including providing activity packs, digital supports, online activities and other initiatives for older and vulnerable people along with the community call and keep well campaign. Naturally this has taken some precedence over implementing the strategy, but a range of initiatives are being progressed in conjunction with resources across the Council’s directorates and with key stakeholders such as Tus Nua, the other organisations represented on the County Age Friendly Alliance, and Age Friendly Ireland, the shared service for the national age friendly programme in local authorities. These measures include:

• Supporting improved governance, structures & representation for Tus Nua / Older Persons Council
• Reconstituting the County Age Friendly Alliance to explore and progress appropriate initiatives including age friendly parking, age friendly business programme and ambassador(s), public realm audits, assistive technology, physical activity programmes and other age friendly measures
• Delivery of age friendly housing with our age friendly technical specialist
• Implementation of the recently approved rightsizing policy
• Pilot roll-out of a healthy homes project to support living independently for longer
• Developing an age friendly parking scheme in selected community centres
• Fit-out of age friendly community centre in Orchard Lane, Clondalkin
• Programming for the proposed new intergenerational centre in Templeogue
• Libraries digital ambassador for older people.
• Continued safety and security supports for older people through our locks and carbon monoxide alarms schemes.

Elected Members can contact the Age Friendly Programme Manager with proposals or queries in relation to progressing any of the above or other initiatives.