Tuesday, October 26, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell
This committee requests the Chief Executive to provide a time frame for upgrading Glenaulin Park as previously discussed and that the valley containing the Glenaulin stream be developed as a Biodiversity area.
Glenaulin Park covers an area of approximately 11 hectares. The Park is located in South County Dublin and has a shared boundary with Dublin City. As a result, the park serves residents in both catchment areas. There are 5 GAA pitches and 2 soccer pitches in the park. The pitches are used by Ballyfermot DLS GAA, Palmerstown Utd FC, St Patricks GAA. All three clubs have clubhouses in the park. At the east end of the park, Ballyfermot Sports Complex occupies a large site which is accessed via Gurteen Road.
To enhance accessibility to the Ballyfermot Sports Complex a new link path and gate on the north side of the boundary was provided in 2020 to enable parks users to make use of the facilities.
The GAA pitch nearest Gurteen Road which is used by Ballyfermot DSL GAA was repositioned and realigned in 2020 following a request from the club, to create a larger training area for the club to use.
The park has 9 entrances which are positioned at strategic locations to facilitate access to the park and connectivity through the park. A number of years ago a request was received to provide access to the park for a local resident who uses a mobility scooter. This type of vehicle is larger than a wheelchair and does not fit through the vehicle control gates. To facilitate access a larger lockable gate was provided beside the kissing gate at Glenaulin Road/Culmore Road. A key for the gate was provided at the time to the resident in question.
The banks along the Glenaulin stream have been set aside as naturalised biodiversity areas with a restricted mowing regime in place. These areas have been planted up with a mix of trees which include oak (Quercus), beech (Fagus), Turkish Hazel (Corylus colurna), birch (Betula), Field Maple (Acer campestre), pines (Pinus), Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), Alder (Alnus), Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum).
The Council will continue to improve and develop Glenaulin Park in tandem with the local community and other stakeholders as opportunities become available. The existing user groups which provide a high level of activity in the park are an important element of park life. The primary user groups are the sports clubs and to this end the pitches are maintained to a high standard with grass cutting taking place on a weekly basis. Routine maintenance of the park which includes grass cutting, litter picking, hedge cutting etc. will continue on a regular basis.