![South Dublin County Council Crest](https://meetings.southdublin.ie/Home/ViewDocument/de9efb17-d90a-43f2-a068-a1a201090082)
Monday, October 18, 2021
The Area Committee Meeting Chairs and Co-ordinators agreed on the process to consider proposals from elected members for the Area Committee Discretionary fund. The following report sets out the proposals received and assessed by the Executive, and considered feasible for elected members to consider. A summary of all proposals received is listed below:
- Reflection benches across the Area Committee in selected suitable locations – two different proposals -
- in recognition of the challenges of the COVID pandemic
- to support older people and people with limited mobility to frequent our villages and take an active part in society
- Accessible swings
- Devices for students in schools to address the digital divide
- Street parties goody bags
- Flagpoles in each village with a permanent plaque giving bring history of the Irish Flag, to be unveiled in 2022
- Defibrillators for sporting clubs or organisations that don't have one
- Funding for Domestic Violence support organisations and meeting with Area Committee to highlight work
- Artwork at each village entrance
- Once off "environmental grant", for the improved mental health and well being of local area users and the enhancement of existing water, or natural corridors
- Large bulky item collections at recognised litter blackspots – particular area to be decided by the Area Cttee
- To create an existing area in the Tallaght Town Centre or Tallaght Village as a "Youth Plaza" with seating and appropriate artwork aimed at young people for recreation and socialising.
The following proposals are recommended for approval at Area Committee:
Project / proposal & cost
Project costs
Reflection Benches (in recognition of the challenges of the COVID pandemic) across the Area Committee in selected suitable locations
Cllr Yvonne Collins
From circa. €1,000
Reflection benches to support older people and people with limited mobility to frequent our villages and take an active part in society
Cllr Peter Kavanagh
From circa. €1,000
The following criteria was considered in each project / proposal:
- Projects that can avail of funding from other state agencies or are usually funded by another agency or Department were not deemed as suitable for consideration
- Provision of clear project / idea proposals that enable accurate project costings
- New projects / proposals for consideration, that are not already in place
- Projects/proposals demonstrating good value for money and not exceeding €10,000
- One off Projects/proposals demonstrating sustainability and inclusivity
- Projects / proposals that do not require ongoing funding for maintenance, licensing costs, etc.
The report and its recommendations are now before members for their consideration. Proposals agreed by the Area Committee will be brought to the November Council meeting for final approval.