South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, October 12, 2021


MOTION: Councillor Alan Edge

That this Area Committee write to Irish Water in respect of their lack of communication with Council operatives concerning water outages in Glenasmole, the most recent of which left a number of homes, including those of older people on the priority list, without water for close to 48 hours.


 On Friday 10th September a SDCC Roads Inspector reported a burst watermain on Newton Lane, Glenasmole to SDCC Water Operations.  An outage for this burst was notified to Irish Water at 16:36, Irish Water outage reference SDU00038061.  SDCC Water Operations repaired the watermain on Friday night 10th September.

On Saturday 11th September Councillor Edge requested Irish Water to investigate complaints of no water in the Glenasmole area, and Irish Water reported that to SDCC Water Operations for investigations.  Water Inspector investigated the burst location from the previous night and called to residents along Newton Lane and checked adjacent fire hydrants to confirm water supply, found no issue and concluded water had restored fully from recent burst and closed the investigation.

Councillor Edge further contacted on Monday 13th September, at which point the Water Inspector contacted him directly to clarify the exact location of the service issue.  Consequently the Water Inspector identified an air lock in the local network at the top of Glenasmole and released the air and returned service.

The incident report on Saturday 11th at 10:31 from Irish Water stated - "No water the customer called in to say that there is not water coming from the Glennasmole area, there is sometimes a small power cut that can cause a pump to trip nearby, the caller had no water nor did the neighbours, the customer can be contacted when ever name Edge, Councillor Alan number ...."  

Regretably the Water Inspector's investigation on Saturday 11th was wrong as it was concluded that supply had returned following the burst repair which was not fully correct.  An Eircode associated with this report, particularly as it is a rural area, would have assisted.  We will raise the issue at our next operations meeting with Irish Water.