South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, October 20, 2021


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

"To ask the Chief Executive how the alien Invasive species, Japanese knotweed in the area delineated as Core Strategy 10 Rathcoole Specific Local Objective 1 will be eradicated along with controlling for other threats to the annex habitats such as garden escapees, anti-social behaviour and inappropriate land management practices and also to ask the Chief Executive to commission an ecosystem services assessment of the area delineated as Core Strategy 10 Rathcoole Specific Local Objective 1, Rathcoole Park, and Swiftbrook/Mill Race Park?"


Following approval from the Elected Members, CS10 SLO 1 was inserted into the Draft County Development Plan to go on public display in July 2021. The SLO reads:

To investigate the potential for alternative land uses for the lands currently zoned RES-N (To provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans) and OS (To preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities) as identified by the SLO on the CDP land use zoning map, having regard to protecting existing habitats, Biodiversity and the Rathcoole Woodlands, the need for social and affordable housing, community infrastructure and access. Following this assessment, and where alternative land use arrangements are identified in line with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, to bring forward proposals for re-zoning.

The ecological assessment of lands relating to CS10 SLO 1 and commissioned by South Dublin County Council includes for the survey of invasive species such as Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam as well as noxious weeds. Should the presence of such invasive species be confirmed on Council lands, this will be referred to the Council's invasive species management programme for further confirmation and treatment on an annual basis until such time as treatment is no longer required and monitoring can take over. Two staff members are assigned full time to the identification and treatment of invasive species. The ecological assessment of lands at Rathcoole does not include Swift brook/Mill Race Park in the context that these lands relate to a residential development that has been completed.