South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, October 11, 2021

HEADED ITEM NO. 4 d) (ii)

Minutes of Meeting of the Housing Strategic Policy Committee held at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, 13th May 2021

In attendance:

Cllr. C. O’Connor; Cllr. B. Pereppadan; Cllr. J. Tuffy; Cllr. L. Donaghy; Cllr. D. O’Donovan, Cllr. W. Carey, S. Harty (PPN), G. Stockil (PPN) and B. Tyrrell-Collard (ICTU).


Cllr. K. Mahon.

Officials in attendance:

C. Ward, Director of Services; M. Staunton, Senior Executive Officer; N. Hanly, Senior Executive Officer; E. Leech, Senior Executive Officer; M. Murtagh, Administrative Officer; J. Sweeney, Senior Staff Officer.

The meeting was chaired by Cllr. C. O’Connor.

At the commencement of the meeting Cllr. O’Connor, Chair, formally welcomed Mr. G. Stockil as the new PPN member on the Housing SPC.

 HI.1 Minutes of Housing SPC Meeting on 11th February 2021.

The minutes of the Housing Strategic Policy Committee Meeting of 11th February 2021 were AGREED.

 HI.2 Matters Arising


HI.3 Update on Council-led Housing Developments

C. Ward provided an update on current housing projects, setting out tenure mix and stage of development for each project and asked for members views and feedback.

There were contributions by Cllr. C. O’Connor, Cllr. W. Carey, Cllr. O’Donovan, Cllr. L. Donaghy, S. Harty and G. Stockil which were responded to by C. Ward.  It was agreed that an analysis of the demand for social housing and a breakdown of the delivery pipeline will be provided at the next SPC meeting and the report was NOTED.

HI.4 Energy Efficiency Retrofit Programme (pre-record).

E. Leech provided a pre-recorded presentation setting out details of the national Energy Efficiency/Retrofitting Programme (EERP) 2021 and its application within South Dublin County Council along with an update on the progress of the Planned/Cyclical Maintenance Programme and its alignment with the EERP delivery.

There were contributions by Cllr. C. O’Connor, Cllr. L. Donaghy, Cllr. O’Donovan, Cllr. W. Carey, Cllr. Tuffy, Cllr. J. Tuffy, S. Harty and G. Stockil which were responded to by E. Leech and the report was NOTED.

HI.5 Disability Steering Group: Strategic Plan for Housing People with a Disability.

N. Hanly provided a brief overview of the South Dublin Strategic Plan for Housing People with a Disability 2021 – 2026 which had been circulated to SPC members in advance of the meeting. Members were asked to review the document and revert with feedback within the next week.

There were contributions from Cllr. C. O’Connor, Cllr. D. O’Donovan, Cllr. L. Donaghy, S. Harty and G. Stockil which were responded to by N. Hanly.  The document was AGREED in PRINCIPLE in advance of feedback by members within 7 days and the published version along with feedback will be brought before members at next meeting.  

HI.6 Allocations and Homeless Update (pre-record).

N. Hanly provided a pre-recorded update on Housing allocations and homeless data, including housing list numbers, with a breakdown and analysis from 2018 to-date and an update on Rightsizing transfer applications.

There were contributions from Cllr. D. Donovan, Cllr. L. Donaghy, Cllr. C. O’Connor and S. Harty which were responded to by N. Hanly. Members paid tribute to N. Hanly and Allocation’s team for work done and the report was NOTED.

HI.7 Overview of AHBs in South Dublin (pre-record)

M. Staunton provided a pre-recorded presentation on the role, financing, operation and regulation of Approved Housing Bodies along with an overview of AHB housing delivery channels and projections for 2021/22 in South Dublin.

There were contributions from Cllr. C. O’Connor, Cllr. L. Donaghy, Cllr. J. Tuffy, and S. Harty which were responded to by M. Staunton and C. Ward. Members conveyed their appreciation of the standard of presentations and the quality of information conveyed.

The report was NOTED.

HI.8 Implementation of Integrated Housing System (pre-record)

N. Hanly provided a pre-recorded presentation on the recently introduced Integrated Housing System setting out the current status, the major impact the new system will have on how the Housing Department does its business and the benefits that will accrue for customers, members, management and staff.

Following contributions from Cllr. O’Donovan, Cllr. W. Carey and G. Stockil, which were responded to by N. Hanly and C. Ward, the report was NOTED.

HI.9 A.O.B.

C. Ward advised that it is intended that updates will be provided at the next SPC meeting on the SDCC Housing Delivery Pipeline versus Housing demand and the Affordable Housing Bill, while the new Healthy Homes officer due to be shortly appointed will make a presentation to the Committee in September. Members were advised that they may submit items for consideration to be included on future agendas.

E. Leech updated members with details of stats that were recently provided for the 2020 NOAC return. Full details are provided in the table below.

The overall summary @31/12/2020 of our total Housing Stock (including leased units) is as follows:

Dwellings owned and managed by Local Authority


Dwellings owned by LA but managed and maintained by AHB’s 


Dwellings used for Community/Estate Management /Administration


Traveller specific group housing 


Leased Units




 The meeting concluded at 7pm.