Monday, October 11, 2021
HEADED ITEM: C. Performance and Change Management Directorate
e) (ii) Report of Meeting of Social, Community & Equality Strategic Policy Committee Meeting on 21 September 2021 via Microsoft Teams:
In Attendance: Cllr. T. Gilligan (Chair), Cllr. V. Casserly, Cllr E. Murphy, Cllr. S. O'Hara, Cllr C. Bailey and Cllr. P. Holohan.
Also Present: D. Hennessy (PPN)
Apologies: E. Hendrick (PPN)
Officials Present: C. Ward (Director of Services), Jennifer Moroney Ward (SEO), J. Hayden, (Administrative Officer), M Murtagh, (Administrative Officer), P. Mc Alerney (Senior Community Officer), T. Mc Dermott (Sports Partnership Coordinator), A. Moloney (SSO), M. Nugent (SSO),F. Keane (SSO), Margaret Farrell (CO).
The minutes of the meeting held on 18th of May were noted and agreed.
There were no matters arising.
A document that was circulated at the request of the Council's Corporate Services Department in relation to the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 was brought to the attention of the Committee and noted.
A. Moloney gave an update on Social Inclusion initiatives in the Council including in relation to the proposed 2021 Social Inclusion Festival scheduled to take place from 15th to 21st November with the theme of ‘Staying Connected’ with contributions from Cllrs. Bailey, Holohan and Gilligan.
At the request of the Chair, it was agreed that C. Ward would raise the issue of painting a road crossing in rainbow colours like in Capel St/City centre with the Director of Land Use, Planning and Transportation.
The Committee members are to be kept updated on developments around the financial planning workshops and how they were received.
The report was NOTED.
P. McAlerney gave a report outlining the proposed operation of the 2021 Community Infrastructure Fund.
Following contributions from Cllrs Holohan, Bailey and Murphy, it was agreed that the fund information brochure would be circulated to the Committee and that examples of previously funded projects could be made available to community groups to help with the application process. The importance of supporting a number of diverse groups throughout the County under the fund was also highlighted and the report was NOTED.
J. Moroney-Ward provided an overview of the proposed process for the development of a local sports plan, provisionally titled "Active South Dublin" that would provide a long-term framework to achieve increased physical activity levels across all generations and abilities in line with Healthy County Strategy. C. Ward proposed that the Committee develop a working group to oversee the process and to work on the proposed strategy. It was AGREED that Cllrs. Gillian, Holohan, Murphy and Casserly would participate on the working group.
M. Nugent presented the report on the status of the Security Lock and Carbon Monoxide Alarm schemes. The report was NOTED and the Committee also supported a provision in the Council's 2022 Budget for a pilot assistive technology project in the County in conjunction with Age Friendly Ireland.
C. Ward provided a report outlining the upcoming strategic review of Estate Management and Community Development services taking place with consultants engaged to undertake this work.
The report was NOTED and it was AGREED that Cllr. E. Murphy and Mr D. Hennessy PPN would participate in the stakeholder consultation on behalf of the Social, Community & Equality Strategic Policy Committee.
P. McAlerney and C. Ward presented an update on various Community Dept. capital projects proposed and underway across the County and the challenges associated with same.
J. Moroney-Ward said there is a renewed focus on supporting communities and how to empower them to manage the new and existing facilities with a strong focus on governance.
There was contributions and questions from Cllrs Casserly, Holohan, Gilligan and O’Hara that were responded to by C. Ward and P. McAlerney. it was highlighted that the contractors and parts to fix the booms in Tallaght and Clondalkin swimming pools have to be sourced from outside Ireland and that there are also long lead-in times. It was also mentioned that the provision of facilities for childcare providers was not part of the proposed operation of the Lucan sports campus (comprising Lucan Swimming Pool and Lucan Leisure Centre) but that this would be reviewed.
The report was NOTED.
10 Healthy Homes
C. Ward informed the committee that the Healthy Homes Officer has left her post to take up a new position and the post was due to be filled again imminently. It was reported that during her tenure, the original post holder had commenced in-depth personal assessments and there had been significant interest in the project. It was AGREED that the new post holder, when in situ, will be asked to provide and update to the Committee and that a formal reporting template on the key programme indicators would be provided on a quarterly basis.
The report was NOTED.
P. McAlerney provided an update on the current status of the 2021 community grants advising that it is likely that the online application process will have to close shortly given that the budget is almost exhausted but that it will re-open early in 2022 for new applications.
Cllr. Gilligan requested information on the public tennis courts in the County to be provided.
The lead-time for repairs on the Tallaght and Clondalkin pools was raised again and C. Ward agreed to seek further information on this matter.
The time, date and format of the meeting to be considered by the Council noting that Members of this Committee are happy to continue with a Teams format if possible and also noting that the amended time of this meeting at 3:00pm suited members.
The meeting concluded at 4:30pm.