South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, September 14, 2021


MOTION: Councillor Alan Edge

That the Chief Executive, mindful of the impacts on wildlife of the relocation of Ballycragh Teenspace, implements measures to improve the quality of the habitat in the Park for wild birds by removing silt from the pond, improving water quality and exploring options to provide additional and extended safe breeding grounds for the birds inhabiting the area.


The cleaning/desilting of the pond in Ballycragh Park is on the works programme of the drainage maintenance section in the current year.  Before the work can proceed investigations are required to determine the extent of the silt (depth and volume) and also the nature of it, and this will assist in the preparation of a plan for carrying out the work.  The scheme will not be carried out this year as all work in water bodies is required to be completed before the end of September, which unfortunately is not possible in this instance.  There is no flooding associated with the silting up of the Ballycragh pond.  The desilting of the pond, when it does happen, may disrupt wildlife nesting in the area of the lake for a period of time however it is felt that the work will ultimately improve the lake habitat in the medium and long term.

The Public Realm Section has sought advice in relation to the impact of the teenspace on the pond and the wildlife therein. It is not expected that the teenspace will negatively impact the pond in terms of pollution, water quality or use of the wider area by waterfowl.  There may be certain times when the swans will stay away from the western end of the pond if the teenspace becomes noisy.  To mitigate this possibility, the Councils Heritage Officer has sought specialist advice on whether the eastern side of the pond could be made more attractive for the swans to come out of the water and rest. Swans already use areas beside the playground, community centre and the eastern side of the pond to rest and preen. It is being considered whether lowering of a section of the pond bank at the eastern end might make it easier for swans and other water birds to get in and out at that location or if there are other measures which could be undertaken which would improve the habitat value of the park.  Public Realm are awaiting a report on this and will consider any measures proposed which may be beneficial to the swans and other waterfowl in this area.

It should be noted that a substantial portion of Ballycragh Park is included on the Public Realm's programme of reduced mowing, to encourage biodiversity and provide habitats for wildlife.  These areas will be available for wildlife both during the desilting works and also once the teenspace opens.