Wednesday, September 15, 2021
MOTION: Councillor William Joseph Carey
“This Committee agrees that the Chief Executive should present a report at the meeting for discussion on the ongoing delay in the social housing development on the land between the Fonthill Road and New Nangor road.”
The social housing development at Nangor Road and Fonthill Road was Part 8 approved in October 2019 to provide a total of 93 new homes. The project itself is a combined development of 60 apartments, 15 houses and 18 duplex units with a current budget approval of €29.4m. Given the complexities of the design of the scheme and the value of the project budget, due diligence and time is required to progress the project delivery. All funding proposals at each stage of the development are subject to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage approval and a detail of the timelines to date are set out below.
The Council is required to go through a four-stage funding approval process in respect capital construction projects. The Council submitted a Stage 1 funding application to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in May 2019. Due to the size of this project the Council was required to complete a cost effectiveness analysis with the capital appraisal submission on this project. The Council continually engaged with the Department of Housing, responding to queries raised on the funding application.
In June 2020 the Council submitted a Stage 2 & Stage 3 combined funding application to the Department of Housing seeking approval to progress to tender. In December 2020 funding approval was granted from the Department to progress to tender and in June 2021 the tender was published to select a suitable contractor to develop the scheme. The tender period closed in mid-August 2021 and the tender assessment is currently underway. Following completion of the assessment a stage 4 funding application will be made to the Department of Housing to seek approval to appoint the successful contractor. The Council anticipate that this scheme will commence on site in Q4 2021 subject to approval issued from the Department of Housing.