Tuesday, June 29, 2021
MOTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
That the Chief Executive honours the commitment given to the Aahmadiyya Muslim association during the Clonburris SDZ process discussions over three years ago and sets out a timeline to facilitate the delivery of a place of worship in lieu of the existing site under its ownership; and if any delays are caused due to lack of progress on a suitable site within the SDZ to facilitate a land swap at a suitable location in the wider Lucan area.
Clonburris SDZ Planning Scheme ‘‘supports and facilitates the development of places of worship and multi-faith facilities at Clonburris Urban Centre, Kishoge Urban Centre and at other suitable locations where they do not adversely impact on residential amenities and comply with the Planning Scheme. The priority location principle shall apply to places of worship with site suitability assessed based on the catchment scale for the proposal, the urban centre hierarchy of the Planning Scheme, the accessibility of the site and the availability and feasibility of alternative, more suitable sites’’.
In delivering the Planning Scheme, SDCC are committed to meeting its objectives in relation to the provision of community facilities such as places of worship and other important facilities to support the establishment of a sustainable community. Notwithstanding this, in order for the ambitions of the Planning Scheme to be realised, a comprehensive infrastructure delivery programme must be devised and then delivered to facilitate development taking place. SDCC are presently focused on preparing an implementable infrastructure delivery programme, whilst also seeking to meet the requirements of the Public Spending Code to secure URDF funding, which will enable the delivery of this infrastructure. This work is ongoing and currently being advanced.
Once funding is secured and a delivery programme is in place to provide the required infrastructure, SDCC will then have greater certainty in relation to where development will take place on a phased basis, which will then enable more informed discussions around land-use and the provision of certain types of community facilities.
It should be noted that the Planning Scheme provides a framework, which identifies the most appropriate locations for such facilities and whilst SDCC is a landowner in Clonburris, there are also three other main landowners in the area, who may be able to accommodate such a use on their land subject to meeting the requirements of the SDZ.
Please note that there is a SDZ Briefing for members on Wednesday 30th June 2021.