Tuesday, June 29, 2021
QUESTION: Councillor G. O'Connell
To ask the Chief Executive if there has been any application made for funding from Central Government for outdoor facilities and/or facilities under the various Covid-19 funding.
Local authorities have a critical lead role in supporting the strong focus on safe outdoor activity in Summer 2021. This activity has been supported by Central Government in the provision of opportunities of support for these activities.
In this regard, Central Government will provide funding for temporary toilets, additional bins and additional bin emptying, as well as Capital supports.
South Dublin County Council’s Environment, Water & Climate Change Directorate has provided 25 temporary toilet facilities in parks, 30 additional permanent bins and 9 large 1,100 litre commercial sized wheeled bins in the car parks of the Regional Parks.
The Directorate has also increased bin emptying across the county and cleaning of parks at weekends – staff are now brought in on an additional day each weekend to carry out this work.
The Council will be making an application for funding to cover these costs.
The Council is also finalising its application for the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Funding (ORIS) Scheme which provides funding for the development of new outdoor recreational infrastructure. This scheme helps to make use of the resources of the countryside that contribute to healthy active lifestyles. It supports the economic and tourism potential of the area for both local communities and tourist visitors alike.
Separately, South Dublin County Council is preparing an application to the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport & Media’s Outdoor Public Space Scheme 2021. Each local authority can apply for up to €250,000 for a single project under the scheme and would itself provide match funding of 10%. The focus must be on interventions that respond to the challenges associated with COVID-19 and support the recovery of the creative, cultural, entertainment and events sector.
The proposal is an architectural intervention to adapt Chamber Square Tallaght, to unlock it’s programming potential and enable year-round public engagement in cultural events and activities. The improvements will facilitate flexibility in scale, year-round safe usage, and it will be a welcoming space with no disabling barriers to participation. The elements proposed will enhance and mark the entrance to Chamber Square as an outdoor venue with the introduction of a digital information totem for events, a bespoke piece of public furniture, a feature light and paving that from the boundary and reaches into Chamber Square. The underground infrastructure will facilitate a wider range of multidisciplinary activity than is currently possible, and flexibility ranging from one small scale intimate event to larger, craft fair, festival activities and temporary public art installation while still allowing incidental usage and play. A fixed sheltered tower for projection, sound and light will decrease the costs of producing events in Chamber Square making it a more attractive venue for professional, amateur and individual event organisers.
The proposal is complimentary to a Public Realm Improvement Scheme at this location, funded under the URDF. It is also complimentary to a proposal submitted under the Fáilte Ireland Weatherproofing and outdoor dining infrastructure scheme.
The Weatherproofing and outdoor dining infrastructure scheme facilitated by Failte Ireland, the National Tourism Development Authority, aims to upgrade and enhance streets and public spaces and implement weather-proofing solutions which will facilitate year-round outdoor dining in key tourism centres whilst meeting the needs of all citizens. Proposed projects must be in a permanently pedestrianised or partially pedestrianised street/zone. Proposals that demonstrate synergy with the aforementioned Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport & Media’s Outdoor Public Space Scheme 2021 were welcomed. Therefore South Dublin County Council submitted an application under this scheme to enhance the weather proofing and outdoor dining infrastructure to include tables, chairs, benches, lighting, parasols and electric heaters, in the Cultural Quarter in Tallaght at the Civic Theatre, Rua Red South Dublin County Arts Centre and Chamber Square.
Eligible, completed applications will be evaluated on a competitive basis, taking into account the aims and objectives of the Scheme, the ability to deliver the project within the required timescale and in accordance with Fáilte Ireland’s strategic objectives. The Council awaits a decision on its application.
The above Weatherproofing and outdoor dining infrastructure scheme is one dimension of the Fáilte Ireland Outdoor Dining Enhancement Investment Scheme. The second dimension comprises Outdoor Seating & Accessories for Tourism & Hospitality Businesses which is being administered through the Local Authorities.
South Dublin County Council is currently accepting applications for financial support under this scheme for tourism and hospitality businesses across the County. Hotels, cafes, restaurants, public houses or other tourism and hospitality businesses and attractions where food is sold for consumption on the premises can now apply for outdoor dining grants of up to €4,000 to help transform their outdoor dining capacity ahead of the summer months. As of 14/06/2021 this scheme has been extended to in include non-food serving pubs.
The scheme aims to support hospitality businesses with?upgrading venues and public spaces and implementing weather-proofing solutions to facilitate year-round outdoor dining.? Items covered under the scheme are outdoor tables, chairs, umbrellas, electric heaters, screen/windbreaks, plant stands and wooden platforms. Expenditure must be incurred between 1 April 2020 and 30 September 2021.
The scheme will provide for up to 75% of the ex-VAT cost of equipment purchased/installed with a maximum allowable contribution of up to €4,000 per applicant.
The scheme is open for applications until 30 September 2021. Full terms and conditions are available on the application webpage by searching ‘Outdoor Dining’ on South Dublin County Council’s website or by licking here
Finally it is important to note South Dublin County Council’s total claim under the July Job Stimulus was €2,390,469 (Allocation €2,440,995) with some projects representing slight variances in final outturn.