Monday, June 14, 2021
HEADED ITEM: C. Performance and Change Management Directorate
a) Arts, Culture, Gaeilge, Heritage & Libraries SPC
(i) - Report of Meeting -
(ii) - Minutes of Meeting -
b) Environment, Water, Climate Change & Biodiversity SPC
(i) - Report of Meeting -
(ii) - Minutes of Meeting -
c) Economic, Enterprise & Tourism SPC
(i) - Report of Meeting -
(ii) - Minutes of Meeting -
d) Housing SPC
(i) - Report of Meeting - 13th May 2021
(ii) - Minutes of Meeting - 11th February 2021
e) Social, Community & Equality SPC
(i) - Report of Meeting -
(ii) - Minutes of Meeting -
f) Land Use, Planning & Transportation SPC
(i) - Report of Meeting -
(ii) - Minutes of Meeting -
Meeting of the Housing Strategic Policy Committee held at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, 11th February 2021
In attendance:
Cllr. C. O’Connor; Cllr. B. Pereppadan; Cllr. J. Tuffy; Cllr. L. Donaghy; Cllr. D. O’Donovan, Cllr. K. Mahon, Cllr. W. Carey, S. Harty (PPN), G. Stockil (PPN) and B. Tyrrell-Collard (ICTU).
Officials in attendance:
C. Ward, Director of Services; M. Staunton, Senior Executive Officer; N. Hanly, Senior Executive Officer; E. Leech, Senior Executive Officer; M. Murtagh, Administrative Officer; J. Sweeney, Senior Staff Officer.
The meeting was chaired by Cllr. C. O’Connor.
At the commencement of the meeting Cllr. O’Connor, Chair, welcomed Mr. G. Stockil (proposed PPN nominee) and advised that due to the late formal submission by the PPN of its nominees, Mr. Stockil’s membership had not yet been ratified by the full Council therefore restricting his role in the meeting to observer status only.
HI.1 Minutes of Housing SPC Meeting on 3rd December 2020.
The minutes of the Housing Strategic Policy Committee Meeting of 3rd December 2020 were agreed.
HI.2 Matters Arising
HI.3 2021 Work Programme
C. Ward provided an outline of the programme of work for the Housing SPC for 2021 advising that the list, though comprehensive, is not exhaustive and may be adapted over the year in accordance with emerging issues and policy requirements.
The report was NOTED.
HI.4 2020 Social Housing Output & Overview of Future Social Housing Supply.
M. Staunton delivered an overview of Social Housing Delivery, including outturn for 2020, projections and DHLGH targets for 2021 and expected supply for 2022 and beyond. The expected impact of level 5 Covid-19 restrictions on delivery targets for 2021, which were set before lock-down, was highlighted.
There were contributions by Cllr. O’Donovan, Cllr. W. Carey, Cllr. Tuffy, Cllr. L. Donaghy, Cllr. K. Mahon and S. Harty which were responded to by M. Staunton and C. Ward and the report was NOTED.
HI.5 Allocations Traveller Accommodation Programme Update.
E. Leech provided an update on the delivery of the objectives of the Traveller Accommodation Programme (TAP) 2019-2024 which was adopted by the Elected Members in July 2019. The impact of Covid-19 and related restrictions was highlighted.
Following contributions from Cllr. K. Mahon, Cllr. J. Tuffy, Cllr. W. Carey and S. Harty which were responded to by C. Ward and E. Leech it was agreed to circulate the following to members:
The report was NOTED.
HI.6 Re-lets Overview
Following a request for a report from the December 2020 SPC meeting, E. Leech provided a detailed breakdown by area of properties currently vacant and due for re-let along with details of works undertaken and turn-around time for reletting.
Following questions and contributions by Cllr. Carey which were responded to by E. Leech and C. Ward, the report was NOTED.
HI.7 Allocations Update
N. Hanly provided details on Allocations for 2020, with a breakdown and analysis over the three-year period since 2018 and including an update on progress in new policy areas of Age Friendly Housing and Downsizing.
There were contributions from Cllr. D. Donovan, Cllr. K. Mahon, Cllr. W. Carey and S. Harty which were responded to by N. Hanly and C. Ward. Councillors paid tribute to N. Hanly and Allocation’s team for work done and particularly the efforts in ensuring accommodation of homeless over Christmas.
The report was NOTED.
C. Ward advised that it is intended that updates will be provided at the next SPC meeting on the Affordable Housing Bill, details of the Cost Rental schemes and funding for the retrofit programme.
E. Leech provided a brief update on the pilot initiative in Balgaddy to identify and tackle anti-social behaviour involving stake holders and the use of Community Crime Impact Assessments and advised that the programme is being carried out in tandem with physical works and the social development of the area.
The meeting concluded at 19.06 pm.