South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, May 25, 2021


MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole

That the Chief Executive provides a detailed report on the council owned lands along the canal 12th lock area and includes maps marking the buildings that are council owned and inform members what timeframe is in place to turn this section of the canal into a tourist / community amenity. Also ask if this could be agreed to be sent to relevant SPC as an agenda item. Including link to the recently launched greenway


The Council own two plots of land of note in this vicinity, both on the Northern side of the Grand Canal, one on the western side of the R120 and one on the Eastern side which is within the Clonburris SDZ. One is a former industrial premises and contains buildings on site.

The Council have examined future use of both plots of land taking into account the purpose of their aquisition. The sites in question were acquired by the Council at a significant cost and the Council must be mindful of maximising recovery of such cost in the short to medium term. In relation to the Industrial Depot Site (o.81 ha), the Councils Valuer was asked to assess the commercial potential of same and has advised that there is strong demand for industrial premises in the area and the Council could get a valuable rental income on a short term licence/lease agreement of 3-5 years. This is being considered as a short term option by the Council. In the longer term the Council being mindful of recovering its costs would have to strongly consider the option of disposing of the site on the open market. If the Council we were to consider developing the site for a capital project in respect to community, amenity or housing we would have to factor a way of recouping our land costs and provide for same in the Three Year Capital Programme. The second site beside the canal (0.43 ha) is designated as open and amenity space within the boundaries of the Clonburris SDZ. When the requirements of the SDZ are met, the Council could consider using it as a community amenity in the longer term planning for Grange Castle/Adamstown/Clonburris.

The Grand Canal is identified in the Clonburris SDZ Planning Scheme as a Strategic Pedestrian Cycle Route and as an important green corridor for wildlife and habitats. It is the intention of the Planning Scheme that the areas alongside the Canal become a linear park serving these movement, ecological and amenity needs. While much of the length of the Canal within the SDZ is not within the ownership of the Council, any development proposal or detailed design of the Canal Linear Park must be consistent with the SDZ Planning Scheme.

Items for Strategic Policy Committees must relate to matters of strategic policy rather than individual locations.