Wednesday, May 19, 2021
QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report and update into when a bypass will be built for Saggart? To ask that the report be detailed into where this is at and how it will be progressed and funded? (The Saggart Village Residents Association Planning subcommittee has made this a positive priority for Saggart)."
Current Status:
The Transport route referred to is known as Western Dublin Orbital Route in the County Development Plan. The current status of this proposal in that it remains a long term road proposal in the County Development Plan. (In the greater than 6 years list) The Saggart section of this road proposal is contained on the attached map.
Planning Principals:
The overarching principal in planning new Transportation routes is to plan for Compact Growth. This reduces the need for long trips and makes servicing the necessary trips easier. With compact growth, the servicing of trips through Active Travel like walking and cycling and providing frequent Public Transport services can facilitated. Only when compact growth is delivered and the provision of active travel and public transport services are maximised will the need for additional road capacity be explored. Future transport designs will seek to serve the trip demand in a sustainable fashion.
The National Transport Authority in conjunction with Transport Infrastructure Ireland have a remit to manage Transportation planning for the Greater Dublin Area to ensure an integrated and coordinated Transport network is achieved. Any major transport route, which this proposal falls into, must be aligned with the National Transport Authorities Greater Dublin Area Strategic Plan which is currently under review. It also needs to aligned with the Transport Infrastructure transport plans because this link involves possible connections with National roads including the N7 and N81 which are their responsibility.
Funding Sources:
Major road proposals of this scale are normally funded through DTTAS and to a smaller extent by SDCC and relevant stakeholders like NTA, ESB and Irish Water.
In some situations, short sections can be funded by developers through their individual landholdings.