Tuesday, May 11, 2021
MOTION: Councillor P. Kearns
That this committee calls on the manager to review the current temporary cycle track on Wellington lane. As things currently stand if there is traffic side by side on the road there is no room for emergency services to pass. This is a serious health and safety risk.
South Dublin County Council have many busy roads in the county with carriageways that are 6 metres wide and there has not been any issues with emergency vehicles. The Council has been in contact with the HSE and Dublin Bus regarding the new road layout along Wellington Lane and they have informed us that they do not have any issues.
The design of the reduced carriageway widths following installation of the cycle lanes on Wellington Lane was produced in accordance with the Design Manual for Urban Roads & Streets (DMURS) published by the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport and the Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government originally in 2015 and updated in 2019.
Section 4.4.1 , and Figure 4.5.5 specifically, of this document specifies carriageway widths that are appropriate for different types of street within an urban environment. 6m widths, as designed on Wellington Lane, are appropriate for a range of carriageway types including Arterial and Link streets which Wellington Lane would be categorised as. The design of the street and the carriageway width have been set by NTA accounting for the needs of larger vehicles such as buses, waste vehicles and the safe movement of emergency vehicles.
Furthermore, Section 4.4.1 of the document explicitly states the following:
‘When carrying out upgrades, or traffic calming works on existing streets, the first priority of authorities should be to narrow existing carriageways where they exceed those standards listed…This will not only calm traffic, but will free up additional space within the street reserve to widen footpaths, insert cycle lane/tracks, provide bus lanes, street trees and on-street parking (all of which will further contribute to traffic calming).’
Finally, during the design of the Wellington lane trial Scheme, our Consultants (DBFL) engaged a competent independent company (PMCE) to undertake a Road Safety Audit Report. The report did not note the 6m carriageway as a safety concern.