South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, May 11, 2021


MOTION: Councillor E. Murphy

That this Area Committee requests the implementation of wildflower gardens at locations unused verges, walkways and roundabouts across the Firhouse Bohernabreena LEA.


The Council's Public Realm Section has implemented a number of pollinator friendly planting schemes in recent years and additional planting schemes have been included in the minor works programme for this year.  A pollinator friendly planting scheme at the Hermitage ruins in Hermitage Park has been included in the 2021 Public Realm Improvement Works Programme.  Also included this year is reseeding of the wildflower margin along the cycletrack and walkway between Grange Road and Grange Manor Estate.   A number of similar schemes have been carried out in recent years including the wildflower area in Firhouse Village which was in flower last summer, also a pollinator friendly planting scheme at the Anne Devlin statue and flower bed in Rathfarnham Village which was planted late in 2020 will be in flower later this year.  The process of identifying locations for biodiversity planting will continue and further planting schemes of this type will be proposed for inclusion in the minor improvement works programme in the coming years.  Any areas that elected members wish to propose will be examined and considered for inclusion in the following year's programme of works.  The types of locations mentioned here including verges, roundabouts and walkways will be examined to determine their suitability to be managed as a wildflower area.

As part of the Council's commitment to meet the objectives set out in the Climate Change Action Plan, Biodiversity Plan and Pollinator Action Plan 290,000 bulbs were planted throughout the county in autumn 2020 with 85% of the bulb mix used being pollinator friendly. Daffodils have been interplanted with pollinator friendly bulbs such as Tulips, Cammasia & Alliums. Daffodils mark the locations of the pollinator bulbs and this reduces the likelihood of the spring bulbs being cut by grass mowers as they come up in April/May. Daffodil planting allows long grass, wildflowers and dandelions to grow which acts as a habitat, food source and ecological corridor for bees and other pollinators.

There is a total of 53 hectares of wildflower meadow in public parks in the Rathfarnham/Templeogue/Firhouse/Bohernabreena local electoral area.  These meadows are cut once per year and the grass cuttings are removed.  This area is increasing year on year and is likely to continue to do so.  The Public Realm Section is also considering and will examine an alternative maintenance regime on some roadside verges which would involve cutting and collecting grass every 6 weeks.  This would allow wildflowers to flower and set seed, providing additional opportunities for pollinating insects which are currently challenged by habitat loss.
