Monday, May 10, 2021
QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor
To ask the Chief Executive to detail the number of new housing homeless applications he has received so far in this calendar year and will he confirm how these matters are being dealt with in the context of the current restrictions and will he make a statement.
As of 1st April 2021, there were 6,750 applicants on the Council’s social housing list of which 484 were in homeless services. Currently, due to Covid-related restrictions, presentations in person to the homeless clinic are strictly by appointment and only where absolutely necessary with all other advice and supports being provided over the phone. 102 new households contacted the Homeless unit up to 1st April advising that they were homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. These and other families in homeless services continue to be supported in seeking Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) tenancies including through the enhanced HAP support. In addition, the provision of emergency accommodation and other supports are ongoing through the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive.
The level of social housing need, and the added challenge of the applicants who are also homeless in the County as outlined above, continues to be a major challenge facing this Council and increasing housing supply is a primary solution. We continue to increase housing supply with our social housing build, acquisition and leasing programmes including through Part V delivery and collaboration with Approved Housing Bodies. Additional housing options are also provided through the RAS and HAP schemes.
In addition, proposals for significant housing delivery on large Council owned sites at Kilcarbery, Killinarden, Belgard Square North, Clonburris and Rathcoole are progressing and will form a major part of future housing supply in the County. Additional opportunities for further housing delivery continue to be explored where possible through existing landbank, possible land acquisition, turnkey house purchase etc.
The Council's target from DHLGH for new housing supply in 2021 is 598 homes across build, acquisitions and leasing but our ability to meet these targets will be impacted considerably due to the current Covid-related restrictions on all non-essential construction with only work on social housing projects with imminent completion dates in early 2021 allowed to continue. The Council has a target of 700 allocations in 2021 which will include new builds and casual relets and a significant percentage of these allocations will be provided to homeless households. To date over 300 allocations have been completed.