South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, April 27, 2021


MOTION: Councillor P. Gogarty

That the Chief Executive puts in place a short term and medium term improvement plan for better maintenance and public enjoyment of the green space area adjoining Hillcrest Heights/Park beside The Paddocks following repeated multiple complaints about dumping and vandalism at this location; to optimise any proposed new opening/walkway between the two areas in consultation with residents as part of this; and if a statement can be made on the matter.


The open space at Hillcrest Heights is maintained by the Public Realm Section as part of routine works undertaken in the area. Works carried out include grass cutting, litter picking, removal of dumped waste, hedge pruning and tree maintenance. In recent years, the dumping of green waste has become problematic in the north east corner of the open space. This area has been cleaned out on several occasions and a “no Dumping” sign has been erected. Unfortunately dumping continues to occur. This type of material would appear to be local in origin and residents should be encouraged to dispose of it in their brown waste bin. In the meantime, arrangement will be made to have the dumped green waste removed.

The open space is allocated to a local soccer club who also have use of a container on site. While there is a small amount of litter dumped in the vicinity of the container the hedgerow along the Paddocks boundary where it is located is well established with a buffer of brambles on the open space side. There is no access around the back of the container.

There is evidence of a bonfire having occurred on the southern end of the open space. The remnants of the bonfire will be removed. Unfortunately, fires are also occurring under two mature trees on the south east boundary where it adjoins the Shackleton development. The condition of the trees requires further assessment to determine their long-term prognosis given their proximity to the adjacent housing scheme.

The issue of upgrading the gap between Hillcrest and The Paddocks was reported on under Motion 21 at the LPNC ACM in March under the Transportation agenda. The report reads as follows:

“The Council has received 20.7m of funding from the NTA for 2021 to progress delivery of a number of active travel (walking and cycling) projects. Within this there is a small allocation of funding to progress work on permeability schemes. During 2021 the Council will be identifying a number of additional permeability schemes that would be good to deliver across the County. The intention is to agree a comprehensive set of permeability projects for delivery over the coming years. This scheme can be included in that assessment. “