South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, April 27, 2021


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell

This committee requests that the Council investigate the feasibility of providing a Community Hub, to be created over a phased period to include facilities such as Tennis Courts, Toilets, etc adjacent to the main playground in Waterstown Park with a view to include initial funding in the 2022 Budget.


Waterstown Park provides a rich habitat for a wide range of flora and fauna. Maintaining this diverse habitat is important and active recreational pursuits in the park are facilitated having regard to the management of the park and the range of habitats.

The active recreation activities that do occur in the park include walking, cycling, use of the fitness equipment and the more recently installed playspace and play trail. Organisations, clubs or groups can approach the Council requesting permission to use the park for more active pursuits. 

Given the unique setting of the park in the Liffey Valley, its importance in terms of biodiversity and the absence of any formal organised recreational facilities which would require changing / toilet facilities, for example, football pitches, there are no plans or proposals to provide such a facility for occasional use by groups using Waterstown Park.

The experience of the Council with tennis courts has been variable.  In the past tennis courts were constructed throughout the county and available for any member of the public to use; however none have been used to their full potential.  The driver that ensures that tennis courts will be used is a fully fledged and properly run tennis club affiliated to Tennis Ireland. Tennis facilities need to be available for use from early morning to late evening and a tennis club is pivotal to their success.

The Council engaged with Tennis Ireland in recent years to discuss the use of the existing tennis courts and commence a conversation on their use into the future. Tennis Ireland were supportive of the provision of tennis courts in Airlie Park in Adamstown in accordance with the SDZ scheme, which is currently under construction; but did not identify a requirement for additional tennis courts at other locations. However the Council intends examining the provision of recreational infrastructure as part of the development of the parks and open spaces strategy for the county.

 The arrangement between South Dublin County Council and Stewart's Hospital in relation to Waterstown Park is that the Car park and access is a shared facility. The adjacent coffee shop facilities in Stewart's when open are available to the public. It is envisaged that once Covid restrictions are lifted, access to such facilities will be available once more.