South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, April 21, 2021


QUESTION: Councillor F. Timmons

"To ask the Chief Executive for a report into the recycle bring banks within the Clondalkin Area? What sites have been identified and is there a requirement for public consultation if they are on Council owned land? To ask for the process to be included in the report and how we can increase bring banks in light of the climate emergency we face?"


From the time South Dublin County Council developed the Community Based Recycling  Strategy in 2008,  an intensive investigation to identify viable locations for the installation of bottle banks for residents in  Clondalkin area was undertaken as a result of numerous council motions. South Dublin County Council adopted a two-pronged approach. These approaches are described below:

Identification of viable locations on privateky owned land, generally in the carparks of neighbourhood shoppoing centres.

The privately owned sites which have been examined are as follows :

All of the above sites were investigated and discussions were had with the management companies of these centres regarding the Council's proposals to develop recycling bring bank sites at these locations.  In each case however the management company refused to grant permission to the Council and therefore these proposals could not be pursued any further.

Identification of viable locations at Council owned sites, in public open spaces, in road lay-bys etc.

The following areas were investigated for identification of viable locations for installation of bottle banks on publicly owned lands.

Residents living within 50m of any of the proposed bring bank sites were consulted on the proposal and this is in accordance with the public consultation requirements of the Community Recycling Strategy.  In each of the above cases the proposed facility was rejected by local residents.

In May 2020 an area committee motion called on SDCC to investigate the possibility of placing glass recycling bring banks at the new North Clondalkin Library, however this could not proceed as the new library does not have a carpark to accommodate them.

As set out in detail above a total of 15 sites have been examined in recent years and deemed suitable for the deveopment of a glass recycling bring bank however not one of these sites has been developed for the reasons outlined above, in the case of private sites permission has not been forthcoming from the landowners and in the case of publicly owned sites the proposals have been rejected by local residents who were consulted on the proposals.

The Community Recycling Strategy is due to be reviewed and replaced during the current year and the issue of securing additional bring bank sites will be considered in more detail during that process.