Tuesday, April 27, 2021
QUESTION: Councillor Alan Hayes
To ask the chief executive that in light of recent planning developments in the Palmerstown area, including the part commencement of works on 250 build to rent apartments at the Vincent Byrne site, the granting of permission for a hotel on the same junction and the large extension granted to Liffey Valley shopping centre, along with the proposed Bus Connects scheme, to what extent has the Council considered the traffic impact on the surrounding areas, in particular the Kennelsfort road and R148 junction and the Kennelsfort road and Coldcut road junctions and what the expected impact on the surrounding communities will be in relation to congestion and air quality and if he will make a statement on the matter.
In General:
Each of the planning applications mentioned has submitted detailed Traffic Assessment reports as part of the planning process. A detailed look at the impact of the proposed developments on the surrounding road network has been carried out in each case. The travel mode share has been proportioned and most importantly, the the number of additional vehicles travelling on the local network particularly at peak times as a result of these proposed developments has been calculated. The capacity of each of the local junctions has been assessed to decide whether there are any particularly negative impacts resulting from the granting of each planning application. Where issues arise at any particular junctions, mitigation measures are implemented to reduce any adverse effect on traffic flows.
Hotel Site:
The hotel site has been conditioned to carry out cariageway widening works along their frontage to improve traffic flows on Kennelsfort Road. Hotels generally have more even traffic flows throughout the day that do not coincide with peak travel.
Apartment Site:
The Apartment site has one entrance onto Kennelsfort road which is left in and left out only. A second entrance onto the Old Lucan Road will reduce the traffic significantly onto the Kennelsfort Road. Commitment to improving Public Transport links through Bus connects and improved cycle linkages all will reduce car dominance in the area.
Liffey Valley Shopping Centre:
The NTA has committed significant investment along with contributions from the developer to fund four upgraded road and junction layouts on the Fonthill, Coldcut and N4 off slips which will improve Public Transport links, add Active Travel Infrastructure, and reduce the attractiveness of car journey share with paid parking at Liffey Valley Shopping Centre.
In summary, a very specific and thorough amount of work has been carried out to ensure these highlighted proposed developments do not adversely affect traffic flows in the Palmerstown village area.