Monday, March 08, 2021
HEADED ITEM NO. 4 (e) (i)
e) Social, Community & Equality SPC
(i) - Report of Meeting of Social, Community & Equality Strategic Policy Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 16th February 2021 via Microsoft Teams.
In Attendance: Cllr. T. Gilligan (Chair), Cllr. V. Casserly, Clllr E. Murphy, Cllr. S. O'Hara, Cllr. P. Holohan and Cllr C. Bailey.
Also Present: D. Hennessey and E. Hendrick (both PPN)
Officials Present: C. Ward, Director of Services, C Purdy, Administrative Officer, Jonathan Hayden, Administrative Officer, P Mc Alerney, Senior Community Officer, T. Mc Dermott, Sports Partnership Coordinator
The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming the new Committee members Daire Hennessey and Emma Hendrick both from the Public Participation Network. It was noted that although their membership of the Committee had not yet been formally approved by the Council due to late nomination by the PPN, the Chair was happy to allow contributions from them during the meeting and this was agreed. The Chair also acknowledged the contribution made to the Committee by the outgoing PPN representative Latifah Olagoke.
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 17th November were noted and agreed.
2. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
3. 2021 SPC Work Programme
The work programme proposed by Chair, in conjunction with Director, and agreed with CPG, reflecting the discussion item at the previous SPC meeting in November was noted.
4. Keep Well Campaign & Update on Health & Wellbeing
A presentation was given by C. Ward providing an overview of selected initiatives and highlights under the themes of the current Keep Well campaign together with details of associated funding initiatives. Following contributions and queries from Cllrs. Bailey, Holohan and Gilligan that were responded to by C. Ward and J. Hayden, the report was noted.
5. Age Friendly Programme
J. Hayden provided an overview on progress and initiatives under the Age Friendly County Strategy and responded to queries and contributions from Cllrs. Bailey, Casserly, Murphy, Holohan and Gilligan, and in particular it was noted that digital supports for residents in nursing homes should be expanded where possible within the age friendly budget after which the report was noted.
6. Community Grants 2020 & 2021
P. McAlerney provided an update on the 2020 Community Grants process and outcomes as well as the proposed initial timetable for the commencement of community grants in 2021 from Monday 5th April with a rolling application process. Cllr. Holohan noted the value of supporting the local groups in the community and Cllr Bailey enquired about the advertising of the grants and the take up of them from groups in the more disadvantaged areas of the County. P. McAlerney responded to the queries noting that the Community Development Team are available to assist groups with completing funding applications. The report was noted and it was proposed that an analysis of funding allocations to identify any gaps in geographical spread be prepared for the Committee's information.
7. Endeavour Awards Review
P. McAlerney gave the Committee a short overview of various issues relating to the Endeavour Awards for consideration. It was agreed that nominees from the Committee would establish a small working group to review the awards and make recommendations on its future to the next meeting of the SPC.
8. Any Other Business
a.) SPC Representative on South Dublin County Sports Partnership Committee.
The Committee noted that Cllr. Vicki Casserly had notified South Dublin County Sports Partnership of her intention to resign from its committee. Following a proposal by Cllr. Gilligan, it was agreed that Cllr. Murphy would be the new nominee from the SPC to represent it on the South Dublin County Sports Partnership committee.
b.) Draft Residents’ Handbook
Following discussion at previous SPC meetings, an updated final draft Resident’s Handbook was circulated and it was agreed that any final comments from members should be submitted by Friday 26th Feb before final design and print goes ahead.
c.) Lucan Pool
It was noted that construction work on the new Lucan Swimming Pool has stopped as it is not designated as essential construction and the Committee will be updated further on the revised completion timetable when there is more certainty about the recommencement of construction works.