![South Dublin County Council Crest](https://meetings.southdublin.ie/Home/ViewDocument/de9efb17-d90a-43f2-a068-a1a201090082)
Monday, March 08, 2021
QUESTION: Councillor Yvonne Collins
To ask the Chief Executive for an update in relation to practical efforts being made and actions taken, to implement the Council's disability policy.
South Dublin County Council is committed to meeting its responsibilities under all relevant legislation and policy including:
- The Disability Act 2005, particularly Part 3 - section 26 (access to facilities and services), section 27 (procurement of accessible goods and services) and section 28 (access to information and communication)
- Irish Sign Language Act 2017
- Equal Status Acts 2000 - 2015
- Employment Equality Acts 1998 - 2015
- Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014, particularly Section 42 (Public Sector Human Rights and Equality Duty)
- National Disability Inclusion Strategy 2017 – 2021
- National Housing Strategy for People with Disabilities 2011 – 2016 (re-affirmed under ‘Rebuilding Ireland’, the Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness, and extended to 2020 to deliver on its aims)
We are also committed to working with, and within, the framework of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD).
SDCC actions to meet our responsibilities under the legislation / policy listed above include:
- Commitment to develop SDCC Human Rights and Equality Framework detailed in SDCC Corporate Plan 2020 – 2024 (Appendix One);
- Council policies and plans equality, access and plain English proofed on an ongoing basis;
- COVID-19 related actions equality, access and plain English proofed on an ongoing basis;
- Changing places accessible toilet facilities installed in County Hall and North Clondalkin Library during 2020, with a third facility currently under construction in the new Lucan Swimming Pool;
- Changing Places toilet facility included in planned expansion and upgrade of Tallaght Stadium;
- Participated in the annual Make Way Day of action (September 2020), to promote safe pedestrian access, free from obstacles such as wheelie bins, advertising boards, temporary street furniture and vehicles on pavements;
- Promoted access awareness across SDCC social media and website during National Accessibility Week 2020;
- SDCC Corporate Plan 2020 – 2024 achieved National Adult Literacy Association (NALA) Plain English accreditation;
- Providing ongoing secretariat support to the South Dublin County Disability Advisory and Consultative Panel;
- South Dublin County Council is the first JAM Card friendly local authority in the State. The JAM Card©allows people with a communication barrier tell others they need ‘Just A Minute’ discreetly and easily;
- Ongoing implementation of the Council’s Literacy friendly Action Plan;
- Ongoing implementation of the SDCC Housing Strategic Plan for Disabled People.