South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, December 14, 2020


HEADED ITEM: C. Performance and Change Management Directorate


a) Arts, Culture, Gaeilge, Heritage & Libraries SPC

(i) - Report of Meeting

(ii) - Minutes of Meeting

b) Environment, Water, Climate Change & Biodiversity SPC

(i) - Report of Meeting

(ii) - Minutes of Meeting

c) Economic, Enterprise & Tourism SPC

(i) - Report of Meeting

(ii) - Minutes of Meeting

d) Housing SPC

(i) - Report of Meeting

(ii) - Minutes of Meeting

e) Social, Community & Equality SPC

(i) - Report of Meeting

(ii) - Minutes of Meeting

f) Land Use, Planning & Transportation SPC

(i) - Report of Meeting

(ii) - Minutes of Meeting



HEADED ITEM NO. 5 (d) (ii)

Minutes of Meeting of the Housing Strategic Policy Committee held at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, 10th September 2020


Cllr. C. O’Connor; Cllr. K. Mahon; Cllr. B. Pereppadan; Cllr. J. Tuffy; Cllr. C. O’Byrne; Cllr. D. O’Donovan; S. Harty (PPN) and B. Tyrrell-Collard (ICTU).


Cllr. L. Kinsella-Colman.

Officials in attendance:

C.Ward, Director of Services; M. Staunton, Senior Executive Officer; N. Hanly, Senior Executive Officer; E. Leech, Senior Executive Officer; A. O’Toole, Senior Business Transformation & Change Manager; M. Murtagh, Administrative Officer.

The meeting was chaired by Cllr. C. O’Connor.

At the commencement of the meeting Cllr. O’Connor, Chair held a minute’s silence in memory of Housing SPC Member Jim Lawlor.


HI.1 - Minutes of Housing SPC Meeting on 20th February 2020.

The minutes of the Housing Strategic Policy Committee Meeting of the 14th May 2020 were agreed.

HI.2 – Matters Arising

S.Harty requested circulation of a presentation on the proposed first Phase of Clonburris.

HI.3 Age Friendly Housing

C.Ward delivered a report on the Age Friendly Housing Strategy, noting the principles of Age Friendly Housing, reviewing existing accommodation and providing an outline of prospective new sites informed by an analysis of under-occupancy in existing tenancies. He reported on the Rightsizing Policy and presented an overview of a Financial Contribution Scheme to assist rightsizing from a privately owned home to a tenancy in a County Council’s older persons’ accommodation unit.

There were questions and contributions by Cllr. J. Tuffy, Cllr. K. Mahon, B. Tyrrell-Collard and S. Harty which were responded to by M. Staunton and C. Ward and the report was noted.

It was agreed that a sub-committee would be established to develop a rightsizing policy.

HI.4 Integrated Housing System

A video presentation by A. O’Toole had been circulated prior to the meeting providing an update on the Integrated Housing System. This included an overview of training and phased going live schedules for the Integrated Housing System, arrangements for advance communications with customers, a preview of customer screens and detailed the benefit to key stakeholders once complete.

There were questions and contributions by Cllr. K. Mahon and S. Harty which were responded to by A. O’Toole and C. Ward and the report was noted.

HI.5 Planned Maintenance Programme

A video presentation by E. Leech had been circulated prior to the meeting providing an update on the Planned Maintenance Programme for Quarter 4, 2020. The presentation gave an overview of the impact of COVID-19 on Planned Maintenance and updates on the Accelerated Windows and Doors Programme and the Energy Retro- Fit Programme.

There were questions and contributions by S. Harty which were responded to by E. Leech and C. Ward and the report was noted.

HI.6 Allocations & Disability Steering Group

A video presentation by N. Hanly had been circulated prior to the meeting providing an update on Homeless Allocations and the Disability Steering Group. This reported on current allocation numbers, provided an overview of the Disability Steering Group membership and objectives, and reported on South Dublin County Council’s delivery of Wheelchair Accessible Homes.

There were questions and contributions by Cllr. D. O’Donovan, Cllr. K. Mahon and S. Harty which were responded to by N. Hanly and C. Ward and the report was noted.

HI.7 Differential Rents

C. Ward presented a report on the Differential Rent Scheme for the Members’ consideration. South Dublin County Council had historically been one of the lowest rates in the country, ranking 30th of 31 local authorities. Studies identified South Dublin’s rent scheme as generating significantly less rental income in recent years across a range of sample household types than other Dublin Local Authorities.

An assessment of income figures indicated that the application of an additional rent on net incomes that were above the current social housing eligibility thresholds could yield a projected €379,000 per year. Another area of consideration was the application of additional charges in respect of communal areas in multi-household developments. An assessment of the range of different charges and charging mechanisms in place in other local authorities was being undertaken and would be circulated for information.

There were questions and contributions from Cllr. D. O’Donovan, Cllr. K. Mahon and S. Harty which were responded to by C. Ward. He welcomed any additional input or views from the Members.


Any Other Business

There were no items discussed under Any Other Business.


The meeting concluded at 7:00 pm.