Monday, December 14, 2020
Report of Social, Community and Equality Strategic Policy Committee meeting held on Tuesday 17th, November 2020 via Microsoft Teams
In Attendance:
Cllr. T. Gilligan (Chair), Cllr. E. Murphy, L. Olagoke (PPN).
Cllr P. Holohan, Cllr. S. O’Hara Cllr. C Bailey and Cllr. V. Casserly,
Officials present:
C. Ward, Director of Services, B. Hora, Senior Executive Officer, C Purdy, Administrative Officer, Jonathan Hayden, Administrative Officer
H.1 Minutes of Social, Community and Equality Strategic Policy Committee held at 6pm on 22nd September 2020
The minutes of the meeting on 22nd September 2020 were agreed.
H.2 Matters Arising
No Matters arising.
H.3 Draft Age Friendly Work Plan 2021
J. Haydon introduced a report outlining the draft Age Friendly Work Plan 2021. C. Ward and J. Hayden responded contributions from Cllr E. Murphy on age friendly housing proposals, the importance of coordinating and raising awareness with other Council departments; and from Cllr T. Gilligan on age friendly business schemes and supports.
The report was noted.
H.4 Keep Well Campaign in South Dublin
J. Hayden introduced a report outlining the themes of the Keep Well Campaign under the Government Plan for Living with Covid-19 Resilience and Recovery 2020-21 and how the Council will support this initiative. C. Ward noted the importance of communicating the plan locally and that other departments such as Arts and Libraries were supporting the initiative. Cllr T. Gilligan noted the need to encourage people to take part in outdoor activities and promote healthy eating.
The report was noted.
H.5 Integration Strategy Work Plan 2021
C. Purdy introduced the draft Integration Strategy Work Plan 2021 to support delivery of the Councils Integration Strategy – A More Inclusive County. C. Purdy and C. Ward responded to questions from Cllr. T. Gilligan on communication and promoting the actions in the Strategy. C Purdy advised of the role of the Migrant Forum and action to support the Forum.
The Report was noted.
H.6 Education and Sport Bursary Awards
B. Hora introduced a report on the Education and Sport Bursary Awards highlighting the contribution the of the Council in in supporting TU Dublin Tallaght in funding the Awards and the achievements of past recipients. The Members welcomed the report, and supported the recommendation to conjunction developing a PR plan to highlight the commitment of the Council to supporting the Bursaries and the how successful the partnership with TI Dublin has been in supporting young people in continuing their education.
The report was noted.
H.7 Review of Endeavour Awards
B. Hora introduced a report the commencing a review of the Endeavour Awards. C. Ward added the aim is to make the Awards an event befitting the community effort and Council investment in support local communities. He recommended setting up a working group to for the review. Following contributions from Cllr. E. Murphy on the need to refresh the Awards and Cllr. T. Gilligan on promoting the event and the positive work by communities it was agreed to set up a working group.
The Report was noted.
H.8 Community Grants
B. Hora introduced a report on the Community Grants and a report was circulated on grants , received under the revised community grants framework and those approved to date. It was noted the online application form will close in December to allow time for assessing applications before the end of the year.
The report was noted.
H.9 SPC Work Plan 2021
B Hora introduced report on the draft SPC work Plan for 2021. C. Ward noted the plan is dynamic and items can be added if agreed by the SPC. Cllr. T. Gilligan welcomed the draft work plan and the importance of having a plan to guide the work of the SPC.
The report was noted.