South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, November 24, 2020


MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole

That the Chief Executive provide a map for the Lucan area outlining the schools (both current and proposed) this will allow for a visual layout of the schools and a discussion. Given there is a demand for post primary school places in the area, the members agree to write to Minister for Education and Skills requesting that a review of schools in the area is carried out


Baseline Information

A map of existing schools within the area are set out in the attached map. There are 13 no. primary schools within the Lucan area. There are 5 no. secondary schools within the Lucan area.

Based on the Development Plan land-use objectives and information within the Adamstown and Clonburris SDZ, there is potential for a further 4no. school sites designated under the current Development Plan outlined under the following table:



Adamstown SDZ - Tandy’s Lane

Pre-planning held with Planning Department and plans are progressing.

Adamstown SDZ - Aderrig

Forms part of the later stages of the SDZ.

1no. unconstructed site at Clonburris SDZ

Forms part of the SDZ area - south of the rail line, north of the canal.

Post-primary school, Griffeen Avenue

DES liaising with Economic Development and Planning regarding site assembly.


Department of Education and Skills – Assessment of Schools Demand

The assessment for additional schools is carried out by Department of Education and Skills (DES) as part of an ongoing nationwide demographic review (NDR). This assessment is constantly carried out by the DES in each Schools Planning Area within the County.

The DES use a Geographical Information System (with data from the CSO, OSI and Department of Social Protection in addition to DES own databases) to identify where pressure for additional primary and post-primary school places will arise, and cater for same either via new schools or expansion of existing schools within the Departments defined School planning zones. In determining secondary schools the DES, in addition to the above data, rely on the information of primary schools and feeder schools to assess the demand by students. The assessment criteria and the DES information is not available to SDCC or the public.

SDCC’s role in the assessment is to provide details on housing completions and planning applications to inform the DES on the housing growth in the County as part of the NDR. In June 2019, July 2019 and September 2020, SDCC LUPTD provided housing figures and associated maps to inform the NDR.

The forward planning section are continuously liaising with the DES in relation to the need for school sites (primary and secondary) across the county. The County Development Plan team within Planning are liaising with DES as part of the Development Plan process which included the housing information sent to DES in September of this year. Based on that information, the Department is due to advise the development plan team of the need for school sites over the period 2022-2028.