South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, November 23, 2020


MOTION: Councillor M. Duff

"That this Area Committee calls on Irish Water to honour their initial promise, when they took over from the Council, to continue to carry out maintenance and repairs on "private" sewage outlets/manholes, which are located on public open green space, and are now being referred back by Irish Water as being the householders own responsibility."


Irish Water wrote to Local Authorities on the subject of maintenance and renewal of wastewater service connections in public areas recently.  They set out their position on this matter as below:

1.  Location of service connections in public areas:

The question of whether a service connection is located in a public area should be determined on a case-by-case basis.  However as a general rule, public areas will include roads, footpaths and green areas that are in the public domain.  If a Local Authority has a specific query as to whether a wastewater service connection is located in a public area, then this query can be forwarded to Irish Water for a determination.

2.  General Maintenance:

Where issues arise in respect of wastewater service connections in public areas, it is Irish Water's position that:

     a.  Property owners are responsible for the maintenance (including the removal of blockages by rodding/jetting) of all connections from connection point on the public sewer to the property.

     b.  Irish Water will continue to be responsible for maintaining the public sewer network.

3.  Structural Repair Work:

If necessary and subject to budget availability, Irish Water will consider undertaking structural repairs on connection pipework located in public areas.  In order to facilitate this repair work, property owners, at their own expense, may be requested to provide a CCTV survey (to an Irish Water specification) to show evidence of the structural defect in the connection pipework located in the public area.

4.  'Backyard Pipes':

Section 43 of the Water Services Act 2007 provides that what are colloquially referred to as 'backyard pipes' fall to be repaired and maintained by the persons who own or control the pipes and, if such persons are unknown, this obligation then falls to the owners of the premises using the pipe (in direct proportion to their use of the pipe).  It is only when such pipes are owned by, vested in or controlled by Irish Water, that Irish Water would be responsible for them.  Whilst each case needs to be considered on its own merits, it is often the case, with backyard pipes, that such ownership and control does not rest with Irish Water.  Irish Water will consider each case on its merits as it arises.

Irish Water website contains information on wastewater blockages, and who is responsible for clearing blockages with a guide on pipe maintainance responsibility.

Members are reminded that Irish Water have established a Local Representative Service Desk.  The Service Desk can be contacted at or at 1850 178 178 .  Irish Water also arrange Councillor Clinics, which used to take place quarterly but were cancelled between March and October this year due to the Covid 19 situation and have only recently recommenced, remotely.