South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, November 18, 2020


QUESTION: Councillor Peter Kavanagh

"To ask the Chief Executive, for clarification and confirmation that the consultation on the Green Infrastructure Strategy is not a separate exercise but will be part of the proposed public consultation period for the draft County Development Plan is the 5th July 2021-14th September 2021 and if that is the case, to reconsider and run a separate public consultation process?"


SDCC are currently engaged with consultants in preparing two strategies, a Green Infrastructure (GI) Strategy and a Parks and Open Space Strategy for the County.  The Green Infrastructure Strategy shall inform the basis for the identification, protection and promotion of Green Infrastructure and provide a structure for the long-term management, enhancement and expansion of the Green Infrastructure network across urban and rural areas within the County and coordinate with the GI strategies of adjoining jurisdictions.

The Green Infrastructure strategy is an integral part of the preparation of the new County Development Plan and will be part of the draft plan public consultation process which will commence in early July 2021 for a period of ten weeks. The Parks and Open Space Strategy shall include a comprehensive and overarching plan to guide the provision, development, maintenance and investment of the County’s public open spaces. This will incorporate an audit of existing open space and recreational provision, an assessment of current and future requirements and a strategy statement with a clear set of policy recommendations, priorities and actions. A key deliverable is to allow Green Infrastructure related policies and objectives, including zoning and GI mapping, and relevant sections of the Parks and Open Space Strategy policies to inform and be incorporated into the County Development Plan. 

The inclusion of the GI Strategy as part of the DP process also allows for it to be incorporated into the relevant environmental assessments and to inform indicators as part of the required Strategic Environmental Assessment monitoring following the adoption of the Plan.

By proceeding on this basis the Green Infrastructure Strategy will become a part of the adopted County Development Plan. Green Infrastructure policy will be evident throughout the County Development Plan and the Strategy document will be incorporated as an appendix to the CDP.