Monday, November 09, 2020
QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor
To ask the Chief Executive if he has had any discussions with the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government in respect of the announcement on Budget Day of increased funding for Housing and will he confirm that he has proposals ready to respond to such a situation and will he make a statement?
The national 2021 Budget provides for an overall investment of €3.3 billion for housing comprising €2bn in capital and €1.3bn in current funding. The Council is in regular contact with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage around plans and programmes for delivery of social, affordable and private housing in our county in line with budget priorities. A summary of our plans under the Housing Budget 2021 measures is outlined below:
New Social Homes
Increasing the supply of social housing is a key commitment through the build, acquisition and leasing programmes and in South Dublin construction will shortly commence on 4 new social housing developments across the County that will deliver 52 new homes at St. Catherine’s, Tallaght; Homeville, Old Knocklyon Road; Riversdale/Mayfield in Clondalkin; and the redevelopment of an existing building Greenfort Gardens, Clondalkin while a 3 further sites delivering 64 will commence during 2021 in Templegoue Village, St. Marks Avenue, Clondalkin and Old Bawn in Tallaght and other sites at Balgaddy and Nangor Road are being progressed along with various sites identified for older persons. We will continue to maximise delivery of social homes through Part V, leasing and rental schemes in partnership with Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs) and the private sector in 2021.
Affordable Housing
As per ongoing updates to the Elected Members, we continue to advance proposals for the large Council owned sites at Killinarden, Belgard Square North, Clonburris SDZ and Rathcoole. These sites will see considerable progress in 2021 towards delivery of affordable housing in particular, complemented by social housing where appropriate. The procurement process has commenced for the 500 home, mixed tenure development at Killinarden while Part 8 approval for the affordable rental scheme at Belgard Square North was granted at the last Council meeting and this scheme will now progress to detailed design and tender in conjunction with our AHB partners. Further details on the national affordable housing purchase scheme and measures around affordable/cost rental proposals are also awaited from DHLGH to further inform and support our plans for housing delivery.
We also continue to provide loans under the Rebuilding Ireland Home Loan Scheme with over €20.7m having already being provided to over first-time purchasers in the County since the scheme commenced, and subject to allocation from the DHLGH this will continue in 2021.
The Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE), through Dublin City Council as the lead statutory authority in the response to homelessness in Dublin, delivers a shared homeless service across the Dublin region on behalf of South Dublin County Council, Fingal County Council and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. Significant provision will be made in the Council's 2021 budget for homeless services including the contribution towards DRHE costs with the costs of the provision of family hubs and other emergency accommodation administered and paid for by DRHE.
Rental Sector
In 2021, we will continue to administer Housing Assistance Payment applications for housign supports in the private rented sector as well conducting inspections on private rented properties to ensure compliance with Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations.
Energy Upgrades and Remediation
Energy efficiency of our housing stock will be prioritised in 2021 through our housing retrofit strategy along with ongoing refurbishment and regeneration of our existing housing stock through the strategic re-letting and planned maintenance works to ensure our social rented homes continue to be well maintained, fit for purpose and cost effective for our tenants.
Special Needs Groups
In addition, we will continue to progress the implementation of our Traveller Accommodation Programme during 2021 by prioritising re-development of Owendoher Haven, Oldcastle Park and Fonthill Rd and pursuing new developments including in Adamstown SDZ. We will be piloting a new Caravan Loan scheme in conjunction with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and Traveller Money Advice and Budgeting Service.
2021 will also see us progress adaption, management and grant support of accommodation to meet identified needs for older people and people with disabilities.