Monday, November 09, 2020
The following motion was brought before the Tallaght Area Committee on 28th September 2020.
It was proposed by Councillor C. O'Connor and seconded by Councillor M. Duff
That this Tallaght Area Committee calls on the CEO to initiate the process to change the name of Brookmount in Tallaght to Brookmount Drive,Tallaght, as requested by residents in the following petition: "We the residents of Brookmount need to change our address to Brookmount Drive as our address of solely 'Brookmount' has been unrecognised on Google Maps for many years. Emergency Services can never find our road and this could turn into a life and death situation. Many postal deliveries never reach their destination due to not being able to find our road. It is endless with the complications. Brookmount as a road name does not suffice, therefore, we propose that it be renamed 'Brookmount Drive' and be placed on Google Maps to avoid any more confusion and prevent unnecessary dangers to our families" Will he confirm the position and make a statement?
The statutory procedure to change the official name of a street, place or locality is set out in Sections 76-79 of the Local Government Act 1946, the Local Government (Changing of Place Names) Regulations, 1956 as amended by S. 67 Local Government Act 1994 and the Local Government Act 2001 by way of conducting a plebiscite.
Any official change in the name of Brookmount, Tallaght to Brookmount Drive, Tallaght will require a statutory plebiscite under the prescribed legislation.
Before a plebiscite can be carried out a prescribed procedure is required including the recommendation of the council that the procedure for the taking of a statutory plebiscite be initiated. Thereafter a list of "qualified electors" for the purpose of taking the plebiscite on the proposal must be prepared and made available for public inspection for a three week period. The list must then be formally adopted by the council in advance of taking the plebiscite. The plebiscite to determine the consent of the majority of the "qualified electorate" may then be held. Other logistical issues and application of the various statutes relating to conducting a plebiscite must also be determined.
The motion was AGREED.
This is now before Full Council for approval.