Tuesday, October 27, 2020
MOTION: Councillor L. O'Toole
This committee was given a commitment to have a feasibility study carried out on council owned land, and report back to members (see previous item submitted).
It has since been confirmed that this land was purchased by the council via a CPO, I now submit this motion and ask that a discussion takes place on the following proposal:
This committee requests the Chief Executive to make the land available for community use, give consideration to the theatre and arts community, recognising its location it could become a ‘centre for the community & arts’. The location of this land borders Lucan and would complement existing communities and future communities in Adamstown and Clonburris, it is also adjacent to the canal. We ask that the Chief Executive explore national funding available to the council.
The plots of land referred to in the motion and outlined on the attached map were acquired by the Council at a significant cost and the Council is mindful of maximising recovery of such cost in the short to medium term.
In relation to the Industrial Depot Site (o.81 ha), the Councils Valuer has been asked to assess the commercial potential of same and has advised that there is strong demand for industrial premises in the area and the Council could get a valuable rental income on a short term licence/lease agreement of 3-5 years. This must be considered as a short term option by the Council.
In the longer term the Council being mindful of recovering its costs would have to strongly consider the option of disposing of the site on the open market. If the Council we were to consider developing the site for a capital project in respect to community, amenity or housing we would have to factor a way of recouping our land costs and provide for same in the Capital Programme.
The second site beside the canal (0.43 ha) is designated as open and amenity space within the boundaries of the Clonburris SDZ and therefore in the short to medium term could not be designated specifically for the uses outlined. In the longer term once the requirements of the SDZ are met, the Council could consider using it as a community amenity in the longer term planning for Grange Castle/Adamstown/Clonburris.