Wednesday, October 21, 2020
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
"That this Area Committee request that the Chief Executive issues a detailed report for discussion into Kilmahuddrick Church to include what the council can do to ensure its preserved and that the council actively pursue grants to make the ruin more presentable and useable as a tourist and local amenity. That its added to a regular clean up and maintenance schedule, also to ask that a sign is erected to explain the significance of the building. This is an important building in Clondalkin Heritage and this Committee requests it be preserved for future generations. We also request this it be put on the Agenda for the High level Task Force meetings."
Previous correspondence relating to St Cuthbert’s (Kilmahuddrick Church) Parklands, notes that, an in-house committee was established, on foot of the Rapid Housing project, to develop a work plan for St. Cuthbert’s Park in order to tackle and deal with issues relating to anti-social behaviour in the park and that the Church Ruin (St. Cuthbert’s Church, a Protected Structure) would be considered as part of the work plan. A high-level task force (HLTF) was recently re-established and is considering issues relating to the area. The previous HLTF discussed the issue of the Church Ruin in July 2018 and agreed that the site should be left "as is".
Currently there are no plans to carry out any remedial repair/conservation works to the church structure separate to an overall work plan for the Parklands. The Councils Architectural Conservation Officer who has responsibility to advise on the necessary work to Council owned Protected Structures has not been involved to date or does not have any update relating to the overall plans for the site, until such time the issues on the site are addressed it is not possible to carry out a condition assessment of the structure to inform the level of works required and as already stated any such works will be done in tandem with overall works within the parkland to achieve the best overall outcome. It should be noted that any potential works on the structure would require a significant budget allocation, something that has not been provided for to date.
In order to apply for any national grant funding for Architectural conservation works a Condition Assessment would be required along with a Method Statement in order to identify the scope of works and conservation repairs required. It is considered that it would be premature to apply for any funding or prepare a work programme for works to the structure until further information is sought from the high level task force with regard to the work plan for the Parklands, in order that any such work to the existing Church structure or Parkland forms part of an overall strategy.