Monday, October 12, 2020
Draft Report from South Dublin County Joint Policing Committee meeting held at 10am on Friday 18th September 2020 via MS TEAMS.
In Attendance: (Committee Members)
Cllr Emma Murphy (Chair); Cllr Yvonne Collins; Cllr Mick Duff; Cllr Shane Moynihan; Cllr Shirley O’Hara; Cllr. Deirdre O’Donovan; Cllr Eoin O Broin; Cllr. Liona O’Toole; Cllr William Priestley; Cllr Baby Pereppadam Cllr Louise Dunne Superintendent Paul Dolan; Inspector Daniel O’Donovan; Colm Ward, SDCC; Ann Corrigan, PPN;; Michael Noonan, PPN;Emer Higgins T.D., Paul Murphy T.D., John Lehart T.D.
Cllr Lynn McCrave & Cllr Laura Donaghy ; Chief Superintendent Peter Duff, Chief Superintendent Finbarr Murphy, Inspector Ian Lackey; Emer Meighan, PPN; Gemma Carton, Garda Diversion; Mark Ward T.D. and Sean Crowe T.D.
Also present:
Noreen Byrne, North Clondalkin LPF; Brian Hora, SDCC
The minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 3rd July 2020 were noted and agreed by the Committee.
Correspondence from the Policing Authority regarding engagement with Joint Policing Committees on priorities for policing was circulated and noted.
A report and recommendation to fill the five Oireachtas Members vacancies was circulated. It was noted five TDs had expressed interest in being on the South Dublin JPC and it was agreed by the Committee the five vacancies shall be filled by: Mark Ward TD, Emer Higgins TD, Paul Murphy TD, John Lahart TD & Sean Crowe TD.
Reports from An Garda Siochana were circulated to the members of the Committee in advance of the meeting and Supt. P. Dolan presented the reports for Clondalkin, Lucan and Rathcoole while Insp. D. O’Donovan gave reports for Tallaght and Rathfarnham.
Cllrs. Moynihan, O’Toole, O’Broin & Duff and Deputy Higgins made contributions on the Garda Reports (Clondalkin, Lucan and Rathcoole) in relation to:
Supt. Dolan replied with to the members question as follows:
Cllrs. O’Donovan, Collins, Dunne, O’Toole & O’Brien and Deputies Murphy & Lahart made contributions on the Garda Reports (Tallaght and Rathfranham) in relation to:
Inspector O’Donovan replied as follows:
Superintendent P. Dolan also advised that a report on fireworks will be brought to the next Committee meeting and clarified how Covid related duties for Garda are combined with regular duties.
A report was circulated recommending that the Committee seek authorisation under Section 38 of the Garda Síochána Act, 2005 to regularise CCTV cameras where such approval had not previously been sought in specific historic cases. C. Ward advised that this followed from a comprehensive audit by the Data Protection Office on all Council CCTV cameras. The report was noted and approved.
The LPF report circulated to the members of the Committee was noted.
A report circulated to inform the Committee of progress in implanting the Strategic Plan 2016-2022 was noted.
It was noted the drug subcommittee was due to meet on 28th September.
It was agreed Cllr. S Moynihan will replace (former Cllr) M. Ward T.D. on the sub-committee. Vacancies for community representation on the drug subcommittee will be circulated and ratified at the next JPC meeting. C. Ward clarified nominees must be a member of the JPC.
In response to a query from Cllr. S. Moynihan it was agreed that Clondalkin Drugs and Alcohol Task Force could nominate a member to the Committee and that one allowed alternate could also be named to attend where necessary.
Schedule of Meetings for 2020:
The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for Friday 20th November 2020.