Monday, October 12, 2020
Minutes of Social, Community and Equality Strategic Policy Committee meeting held at 6pm on 19th May 2020 via Microsoft TEAMS
In Attendance:
Cllr. T. Gilligan (Chair), Cllr. V. Casserly, Cllr. E. Murphy, Cllr. C Bailey
Cllr P. Holohan and Cllr. S. O’Hara and L. Olagoke (PPN).
Officials present:
C. Ward, Director of Services, B. Hora, Senior Executive Officer, C Purdy, Administrative Officer, Jonathan Hayden, Administrative Officer
H.1 Minutes of Social, Community and Equality Strategic Policy Committee held at 6pm on 19th May 2020
The minutes of the meeting on 19th May were agreed.
H.2 Age Friendly Strategy
A presentaton on the implementation of the Age Friendly Strategy, adopted at the September meeting of the Council was circulated to the members of the SPC. C. Ward advised the Age Friendly Programme Manager will now commence the process of seeking appropriate form local state agencies and community bodies for nominations to join the Age Friendly County Alliance and that a draft work plan for 2021 will be presented at the November SPC meeting. He advised regular updates on implementaion will be brought to the SPC. The members welcomed the report. Cllr. T. Gilligan noted the importance of having a annaul programme of work in place and Cllr. E. Murphy noted the importance of linking with the Housing SPC on age friendly housing issues.
The Report was noted.
H.3 Social Inclusion Festival
A report and presentation was circulated on the Social Inclusion Frstival 2020. B. Hora advised the draft programme of events circulated was based on the recommendations previously made to the SPC. he added an expression of interest for local commniyty and voluntary groups to organise evenst will be advertised and that events proposed are subject to COVID 19 restrictions and where possible evenst will be delivered on line. He further advised of 2 funding application made by the Social Inlclusion Unit under the National LGBTI+ Inclusion Strategy:
Scheme A: Supporting Community Services
Scheme B: Promoting Visibility and Inclusion
Following contributions from Cllr T Gilligan, E. Murphy and C. Bailey the report was noted.
H.4 Residents Association Handbook
A report and presentation was circulated on a draft Resitents Association Handbook. B.Hora advised it was planned to have the final document published and availale before the end of the year and sought feedback on the draft text from the SPC.
Following contributions from Cllr T Gilligan, E. Murphy and C. Bailey C. Ward sought approval to proceed subjet to members feedback insertion of appendices.
The report was noted and approval to proceed agreed.
H.5 Capital Projects
A report and presentation was circulated on capital projects within the community department. In the report C. Ward noted
- delayed progress with construction of the new Lucan Swimming Pool
- challenges in meeting LEADER deadline for final approval for Saggart Community Centre
- final approval for Glenasmole Community Centre submitted to LEADER by Glenasmole Community Community Council.
- proposals for strategic review of leisure centres.
Following contributions from Cllr. T. Gilligan, V. Casserly and C. Bailey the report was noted.
H.6 Migrant Integration Strategy
A report and presentation on implementation of the migrant integration strategy - A More Inclusive County was circulated. B. Hora outlined in the report an application made under the National Integration Fund 2020 which is aimed at promoting integration of migrants into Irish society. The application is to fund research and implementation of health and wellbeing programmes for those placed in direct provision which is an action in the Strategy.
the Report was noted.
H.7 Grants
A report and presentation on the revised community grants framework was circulated. C. Ward asvised this is a follow on from the presentation given at the July Council meeting and that the only line application is now open for
- Community and Sports Grants
- Community Facilities Reopening Support Grants
- Community Events Fund
He further advised the details of the Community Resilliance Fund are being finalised and for all grants a more flexible approach will be taken to ensure grants are processed quickly and directed to those in most need and with out other sources of income. He reposnded to questions from Cllr Bailay on the need to be registered with the PPN and Cllr Gilligan on the Resilliance Fund.
The report was noted.
H.8 Healthy County
A report and presentation on the develoment of a healthy county framework was circulated. J.Hayden noted in his presentation
- actions in the Healthy County Strategy
- funding and actions in the Healty Ireland Progarmme
- importance of bringing together and promoting all activity across each department and with external partners
C. Ward responded to questions from Cllrs. C. Bailey, E. Murphy on cycling, linkages with the Age Friendly Strategy and from Cllr. T Gilligan on promotion of alternative physical activities. He advised further updates will be brough to the SPC.
The report was noted.
H. 9 Recognising Volunteers
A report and presentation was circulated. C. Ward advised the members of a joint initiative with the South Dublin Volunteer Centre to recognise frontline heroes during National Volunteer Week. He further advised the annual Endeavour Awards will not take place in 2020 and that this presents an oppertunity to review the awards for 2021. The members welcomed the report and following contributions from Cllrs. C. Bailey and T. Gilligan C. Ward outlined what the review of the Endeavour Awards may include and to follow up with the Mayor's Office on proposals to recognice volunters and those who passed away during COVID -19.
The report was noted.
C. Ward clarified how suggestions for agenda items can be brought forward by members of the SPC.
The meeting concluded at 7.20.