South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, October 12, 2020


Minutes of Social, Community and Equality Strategic Policy Committee meeting held at 6pm on 19th May 2020 via Microsoft TEAMS

In Attendance:

Cllr. T. Gilligan (Chair), Cllr. V. Casserly, Cllr. E. Murphy, Cllr. C Bailey and L. Olagoke (PPN).


Cllr P. Holohan and Cllr. S. O’Hara.

Officials present:

C. Ward, Director of Services, B. Hora, Senior Executive Officer and B. Gaughan, Assistant Head of IT.

In advance of the meeting commencing, C. Ward and B. Gaughan outlined the meeting etiquette for Teams Meetings.

H.1 Minutes of Social, Community and Equality Strategic Policy Committee held at 6pm on 18th February in County Hall.

The minutes of the meeting on 18th February were agreed.

H.2 Matters Arising

Cllr. Murphy queried the Standing Orders regarding attendance at SPC meetings and the position was clarified by C. Ward who also said that he would address issues around attendance informally in the first instance as there was no conflict arising with Standing Orders. 

H.3 COVID 19 Community Response – Community Call and In This Together

A report was circulated on the work to date of the South Dublin Community Response Forum and C. Ward updated the SPC on initiatives under the national Community Call and In This Together noting various aspects of the response including:

B. Hora presented further analysis of the calls received by the COVID-19 support helpdesk and C. Ward sought members views on the future direction of the COVID-19 Community Response.  Cllr. Casserly congratulated everyone involved in the Community Response and the voluntary and community effort across the County and also outlined her proposal for a Mayors Initiative for support packs for vulnerable people and sought input from the SPC.  She also Cllr. Bailey acknowledged the efforts of all involved in the Community Response and raised specific queries around supports for at risk groups.  Cllr. Gilligan commended the efforts of the forum, community groups and staff responding to the COVID 19 crisis.

C. Ward responded to Cllr. Bailey and advised of supports in place for at risk groups and that the forum has reached out to various support agencies.  In addition, funding was allocated under the Children Rights Alliance Food Provision Grant Scheme for Young Children, a pilot food hamper delivery programme is being progressed by South Dublin County Partnership in conjunction with Southside Partnership as well as the emergency fund designed to support local responses to vulnerable people and various other initiatives.

There was a discussion on the future role of the forum from Cllrs. Bailey, Casserly and Gilligan that acknowledged that the role of the forum will evolve in response to the phased easing of restrictions and that it may link in with the Local Community Development Committee's role while retaining the capacity to remobilise if the need arises.

H.4 Age Friendly Strategy Update

It was noted that a draft strategy document was circulated to the Committee and members agreed to consider the draft and provide feedback, comments or observations on same within two weeks.  Jonathan Hayden, Age Friendly Programme Manager then gave a presentation on the draft strategy.

The members welcomed the presentation and contributions from Cllrs. Bailey, Casserly and Gilligan were addressed by C. Ward.  It was agreed to consult further with the Older Persons Council and representative groups for older people in the County while a report  issued by Age Friendly Ireland detailing international best practice in responding to the COVID-19 crisis is also to be circulated to the Committee.

C. Ward also advised that a report on research on Right Sizing will be brought to both the Housing and Community SPCs later this year in September.

Cllr. T. Gilligan queried the timescale for adopting the strategy. C. Ward advised that, subject to getting feedback from the Committee and conducting the required consultation, the final draft could be circulated to the SPC by the end of June for sign-off and presented to the July Council meeting for approval. 

H.5 Review of Social Inclusion Festival 2019

A report was circulated to the committee and B. Hora delivered a presentation on the Social Inclusion Festival and key issues that may be considered as part of the review. C. Ward responded to contributions from Cllrs. Murphy, Casserly & Bailey and L. Olagoke in relation to engaging with marginalised groups, funding issues, defining success and quantitative/qualitative measurements.  It was noted that the establishment of an SPC sub-committee was previously agreed to progress and oversee the proposed review and that measures to convene that sub-committee to meet should progress, noting the various members of the Committee that have expressed an interest in participating in the review.

H.6 Capital projects update LEADER projects and Saggart Community Centre

C. Ward updated the Committee on progress on capital projects supported through LEADER applications in both Glenasmole and Saggart.  The report was noted.

H.7 Any Other Business

The Committee noted and supported the Council's endorsement of a funding application made under the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission's Human Rights & Equality Grant Scheme 2020-21 by Independent Living Movement Ireland for a project titled Supporting the active participation of disabled people in development of housing policy.  It was agreed that further updates on the development of this project would be brought to the Committee as it progresses.

Cllr. Murphy requested an update on the community grant scheme. C. Ward advised that a report from the Chief Executive on the impact of the COVID 19 crisis on Council finances will be brought to the June Council meeting.  He also highlighted the overall challenge for the Council to oeprate on reduced income levels but recognised the need to look at how community centres and voluntary groups can be supported in the changed circumstances and requirements that they face.

Cllr. Murphy sought the Committee's support to raise the Pride Flag in June as part of Virtual Dublin Pride which was agreed.

The meeting concluded at 7.20.