Monday, October 12, 2020
HEADED ITEM: C. Performance and Change Management Directorate
a) Draft Calendar of Meetings Dates
b) Report on Conferences/Seminars
c) Filling of Vacancies on Various Committees / Statutory Bodies (Senator M. Seery Kearney)
d) Filling of Vacancies on Various Committees / Statutory Bodies (Councillor W. Priestley)
e) Establishment of Commemorations Committee
f) Standing Orders Review
The following report went to the September Organisation, Procedure & Finance Committee Meeting 24th September 2020
The following motion was approved at the July Council Meeting:
That this Council calls on the Chief Executive to reconstitute the Commemorations Committee mindful of the series of historic landmarks which will occur over the to ensure to those events are respectfully memorialised and celebrated.
A previous Commemorations Committee was established in 2015 to grant and administer government funding that would create a county-wide multi-organisational programme of events that would commemorate and celebrate the ideals of the 1916 proclamation. The Committee was formed of 6 elected members on a cross-party basis and with a gender balance. While no confirmation of further funding has been received and the historical relevance of upcoming years will vary from the 1916 Proclamation, the Terms of Reference of the previous committee are provided below to guide the Council in determining the formation of any such committee. The actual Terms of Reference of the next committee can be drafted at the first meeting of the committee and brought to the subsequent OP&F for agreement.
1916 Commemorations Committee Terms of Reference
Six elected members agreed on a cross-party and gender balanced basis, as well as the Mayor on an ex-officio basis.
Purpose and Key Priorities
The issue of membership of the committee arose regarding gender balance – as initially two male nominees stepped back to allow for female nominations. It was proposed by The Mayor, Councillor E. O’Brien and seconded by Councillor M. Duff and AGREED that a panel of Elected Members be formed should a vacancy arise on this committee. Members of this panel are Councillors G. O’Connell and M. Duff.
Commemorations Committee nominations are as follows:-
It was proposed by Councillor E. Murphy and seconded by Councillor E. O’Brien and AGREED that Councillor T. Costello be appointed to the Commemorations Committee.
It was proposed by Councillor M. Duff and seconded by Councillor F. Timmons and AGREED that Councillor L. O’Toole be appointed to the Commemorations Committee.
It was proposed by Councillor C. King and seconded by Councillor P. Kavanagh and AGREED that Councillor L. Dunne be appointed to the Commemorations Committee.
It was proposed by Councillor B. Lawlor and seconded by Councillor F. Timmons and AGREED that Councillor V. Casserly be appointed to the Commemorations Committee.
It was proposed by Councillor C. King and seconded by Councillor P. Kavanagh and AGREED that Councillor C. Bailey be appointed to the Commemorations Committee.
It was proposed by Councillor P. Kavanagh and seconded by Councillor E. O’Brien and AGREED that Councillor L. Donaghy be appointed to the Commemorations Committee.
This is now befoe Council for approval