South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, September 29, 2020


MOTION: Councillor P. Gogarty

That the Chief Executive pilots a scheme to mobilise members of the South Dublin Volunteer Corps or to recruit new Garda vetted members to carry out complementary and enhanced roles during and outside of normal park opening times relating to the communication of standard park regulations and current social distancing rules to users, eg dog walkers, playground users, sports participants, cyclists using footpaths etc as well as reporting to a dedicated liaison in the Council or An Garda Síochana where any clear breaches are occurring, or antisocial behaviour activities are taking place, with greater priority given to responding to these trusted individuals - especially in the light of reports of increased levels of vandalism and antisocial behaviour in public realm areas but an apparent lack of staff resources to adequately deal with it.


During parks opening hours there are currently 3 Park Rangers employed to patrol the parks in the Lucan, Palmerstown and Fonthill areas.  This number is augmented in the evenings and at weekends to coincide with an increase in park visitor numbers and activities. The Council works closely with the Gardaí who provide support for staff through their patrols and mountain bike unit to deter illegal activities. Communities can also play a role in the provision of safer parks by reporting anti-social activities to the Gardaí or directly to the Council.  

Reports can be made directly to any of the park rangers or supervisory staff in any of the parks.  Such are the opening hours of parks there is no single person responsible in this manner, it is a shared responsibility of the rangers and supervisory park staff.  Matters of an urgent or serious nature should be reported to the Council head office main phone line if a member of staff is not immediately available, or to the out of hours phone service if necessary. 

It is not unusual to experience an increase in anti-social activities in the run up to Halloween. Generally, these activities occur late in the evenings or at night when park staff are no longer present. The most appropriate course of action for members of the public who come across such activities is to report the matter to the Gardaí who have the powers to enforce the laws under the various Criminal and Public Order acts.