Tuesday, September 29, 2020
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell
To ask the Chief Executive to explain why, given the comments made by members during the LAC meeting and the constant highlighting of traffic issues in the Palmerstown area, especially Upper and lower Kennelsfort Road, he did not high-light traffic issues and seek a financial contribution towards upgrading of the infrastructure should permission be granted, in the submission he made to An Bord Planala re APB - 307092 -20 on behalf of both elected members and the executive.
The Planning Authority submitted a report to An Bord Pleananla, dated 20th July 2020 in accordance with the Strategic Housing Development process. The subject motion is questioning the assessment of the Chief Executive of the proposed development in the context of traffic issues and infrastructure.
Under Section 8(5) of the Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Act 2016, the planning authority shall prepare and submit to the Board a report of its Chief Executive setting out a summary of the points raised in the submissions or observations received by the Board in relation to the application, the Chief Executive’s views on the effects of that proposed development on the proper planning and sustainable development of the area of the authority and a summary of the views of the relevant elected members on that proposed development as expressed at a ACM.
The legislation outlines, that in the report, the planning authority shall set out the authority’s opinion as to whether the proposed strategic housing development would be consistent with the relevant objectives of the development plan or local area plan, as the case may be and include a statement as to whether the authority recommends to the Board that permission should be granted or refused, together with the reasons for its recommendation, and specify in the report the planning conditions (if any), and the reasons and grounds for them, that it would recommend in the event that the Board decides to grant permission.
In accordance with the legislation context above, the Chief Executive report on this SHD3 provided a
Both of these summary sections of the report highlighted the Traffic, Access and Parking issues raised by the Elected Members and in the submissions.
The ‘Assessment’ section of the report contains a substantial section titled ‘Roads, Access and Parking’. Under this heading, an assessment, led by the SDCC Engineers in the Roads Section, is laid out under the following headings: Traffic and Transport Assessment, Vehicular Access, Pedestrian and Cycling Access, Internal Layout, Car Parking, Bicycle Parking, Construction Management and Mobility Plan, Bin Storage and Servicing, Site and Public lighting Design and Operational Waste and Recycling Management Plan. In accordance with the recommendations of the SDCC Engineers and Planners, the Chief Executive recommended conditions to An Bord Pleanala in relation to transport considerations, as part of an extensive list of conditions, in the event of a grant of permission.