South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, September 29, 2020


MOTION: Councillor M. Johansson

That the Chief Executive produce a report for members on the planned maintenance works in Balgaddy and that members agree that the works need to be progressed immediately.


There are 448 homes in the Balgaddy area, comprising of three-storey apartments and terraced two-storey houses. Proposed works included:

Procurement for Balgaddy specific works will involve both direct labour resources and procurement of additional individual supplies and services as required. To achieve accelerated delivery of the works outlined above, specific procurement processes have been completed for the establishment of multi-party framework agreements for both the painted internal and external surfaces of Council rented homes. Four (4) Contractors are on the Framework and will tender in mini competitions for the required works. The external painting works on the facades of the buildings will be undertaken in 2021 and involve scaffolding systems being erected to both the front and rear of the properties to carry out the works.

There has been significant impact on the 2020 plans and work programmes of the Housing Maintenance Section due to the Covid-19 restrictions and all programmes are being rescheduled to fit a revised work programme taking account of social distancing and other health and safety measures. A report on the planned maintenance programme for the remainder of 2020 was presented to at the recent Housing Strategic Policy Committee on the 10th September 2020 with details of works and costings (copy attached to reply).Notwithstanding this, a range of bespoke responses and working arrangements have resulted in the maintenance of certain critical and essential services including electrical, heating, and plumbing services to tenants in Balgaddy.

Works completed to date include:

Maintenance requests in the estate have been prioritised with approximately 802 maintenance responses completed to date including. 

While we are conscious that planned maintenance services have had to be delayed or postponed in 2020, we will look to pick up on those services in line with the Government’s Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021: Plan for Living with COVID-19.

Dedicated staff resources have now been put in place to ensure effective project management which will be supported by a tenant communications plan with the objective of delivering all of the programmes by the end of 2021.