South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, September 23, 2020



Update on Poddle & Whitechurch Surface Water Schemes


River Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme 

The scheme is currently in Part 10 planning with ABP. During the Covid-19 crisis, the statutory consultation period was extended on three occasions by An Bord Pleanala from April 16th 2020 to June 14th 2020. Notifications were provided to the public via an updated newspaper advertisement, a dedicated leaflet drop and a social media campaign. Following the consultation period, 25 public submissions were received by ABP and responses are currently being prepared by the project team.

A Request for Further Information was received from ABP on July 27th, which is scheduled to be returned by October 17th. The RFI contains 18 items to be responded to and mainly consists of clarifications on biodiversity enhancements, tree replacement locations and species types along with providing supporting documentation on details of consultations, noise levels, site compounds and storage areas.

A decision on the scheme is currently expected by the end of 2020, but as the statutory consultation events were held at the start of lockdown in mid-March, a further consultation period may be recommended by ABP.

In May 2020, approval was granted by the OPW to proceed to detailed design stage. Design works are now almost complete on the proposed defence embankments, structural defence walls and the flow control structure in Tymon Park.

Design has also commenced on the Integrated Constructed Wetland in Tymon Park along with the design of natural river restoration methods for the proposed river realignment in Whitehall and natural bank stabilisation methods in Wainsfort. These designs are being carried out in conjunction with the Dublin Urban River Life project and SDCC Public Realm are expected to be completed by the end of Q3 2020.

Subject to a favourable decision from An Bord Pleanála construction is hoped to commence in early 2021.

Whitechurch Stream Flood Alleviation Scheme

Stage 1 - Preliminary Design was completed in July 2020 and the scheme was submitted on August 4th 2020 to An Bord Pleanala for planning approval under Section 177AE of the Planning and Development Act 2000 with the public consultation period finishing on September 17th 2020.

Public information events took place from September 1st to 3rd and as part of the consultation process a Virtual Consultation Room was made live through the project website to allow interested stakeholders an easy interactive way to view the proposed scheme and background environmental reporting.

It is currently estimated that a planning decision by ABP will be made in early 2021.

Full details of the proposed scheme can be found at

Camac Flood Alleviation Scheme

Stage 1 – Preliminary Design commenced in November 2019 with an estimated completion date of Q3 2021.

Data collection has been completed which included a Groundwater Survey, Contaminated Land Desktop Survey and the hosting of local information events. Stage 1 works have now moved on to the hydraulic and hydrological analysis of the river which includes a Topographic Survey of the catchment. This survey commenced on September 7th and is expected to take place for the approx. next 8 weeks.

Environmental reporting on the scheme has also commenced with the relevant field surveys for birds, flora and fauna, bat and mammal surveys expected to be completed in Q3 2020. Aquatic Surveys have also commenced and are expected to be completed in early Q4 2020

An appointment has recently been made for a hydromorphological assessment of the river, which considers the physical character and water content of the river along with assessing river restoration methods. An initial report has been presented and is currently being reviewed.

Tenders are currently live for Bathymetric Surveys of the Corkagh Park lakes and for CCTV Survey of existing culverts on the river and appointments are expected to be made soon.

Progress on the scheme can be found at