Monday, September 14, 2020
Report of the South Dublin County Council Joint Policing Committee Meeting held 10am on Friday 3rd July 2020 via Microsoft TEAMS
In attendance Cllr. Emma Murphy (Chair), Cllr. Ed O Brien, Cllr. Mick Duff, Cllr. Louise Dunne, Cllr Baby Pereppadan, Cllr Shane Moynihan, Cllr/Deirdre O’Donovan, Cllr Eoin O’ Broin, Cllr. Liona O’Toole, Cllr Yvonne Collins, Emer Meighan, Michael Noonan, Gemma Carton, Colm Ward, Chief Superintendent Peter Duff, Chief Superintendent Finbarr Murphy
Apologies: Noreen Byrne
Present: Superintendent Ian Lackey, Brian Hora
In the absence of the Chair, Cllr. E. Murphy at the start of the meeting, Cllr S. Moynihan chaired the meeting.
Cllr S Moynihan began the meeting by offering condolences to family of Detective Garda Colm Horkan and to An Garda Siochana. A moments silence was observed by the Committee.
1. Report of Meeting held on the 31st January 2020
Minutes of the meeting held on 31st January 2020 were circulated and noted. Proposed by Cllr. S, Moynihan and seconded by Cllr M. Duff.
2. Matters arising
3. Correspondence
Correspondences regarding resourcing Local Policing Fora received from the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and the Policing Authority were circulated and noted.
4. Governance
B. Hora outlined in the governance report steps taken to invite members of the Oireachtas to join the South Dublin Joint Policing Committee. He advised there are 5 vacancies and the following Oireachtas members had formally expressed interest: Mark Ward TD; Emer Higgins TD; Paul Murphy TD & John Lahart TD. It was also noted that former Cllr. Mary Seery Kearney was also interested in remaining on the committee and is expected to formally express interest.
The report was noted.
At this point Cllr. E. Murphy joined the meeting and thanked Cllr S. Moynihan for chairing the start of the meeting in her absence.
5. Garda Síochána Reports
Reports from An Garda Siochana were circulated to the members of the Committee in advance of the meeting. Chief Superintendent Peter Duff gave statistical report for Tallaght and Rathfarnham. Chief Superintendent Finbarr Murphy gave statistical reports for Clondalkin, Lucan and Rathcoole.
Cllrs. D. O’Donovan, L. Dunne, M. Duff, L. O'Toole, S. Moynihan, E. O'Brien & and E. Meighan & M.Noonan made contributions on the Garda Reports in relation to:
In reply to the queries raised by the members of the Committee, Supt. I. Lackey. and Chief Supts. P. Duff and F. Murphy responded in relation to:
6. LPF Reports
The LPF report was circulated to the members of the Committee. B Hora updated the Committee on LFP vacancies to be filled and the process for seeking representation on the Ballyfermott LPF if agreed by the Committee and responded to members questions.
He also advised the Committee of a request from Noreen Byrne that the Agenda Planning Group consider having a presentation at a future Joint Policing Committee Meeting on research currently underway on Safety & Inclusivity in North Clondalkin.
The report was agreed.
7. Any Other Business
Schedule of Meetings for 2020
Schedule of Meeting was circulated and noted.
C. Ward asked the Committee to consider the timing of future meetings and that views will be collated prior to the next meeting.
The meeting ended at 12 noon.