South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, July 13, 2020


QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor

To ask the Chief Executive to detail actions he is taking in respect of Climate Change and will he make a statement?


The Climate Change Action Plan was formally adopted by South Dublin County Council in September 2019. The CCAP 2019-2024 identifies 130 actions under 6 areas to be monitored and addressed over the term of the plan in order to achieve and surpass our 4 key targets.

In parallel to our CCAP, SDCC has committed to meeting the challenges outlined in the Governments Climate Action Plan 2019 through the Local Authority Climate Action Charter.

The key actions outline in these plans are;


  1. A 33% improvement in the Council’s energy efficiency by 2020
  2. A 40% reduction in the Council’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2030
  3. Make Dublin a climate resilient region by reducing the impacts of future climate change-related events
  4. Actively engage and inform our citizens on climate change

Local Authority Climate Action Charter

Deliver a 50% improvement in energy efficiency by 2030 (2009 baseline)

Each of the 130 actions identified in the CCAP will be delivered over the 5 year term of the CCAP. Some of 130 actions have rolling objectives that will extend beyond the current plan and require annual reporting.

SDCC produce an annual implementation plan to identify and track selected key actions to be undertaken in the current year. The 2020 implementation plan presents 42 actions being progressed in 2020 and a further 43 actions for ongoing monitoring/reporting.

Energy and Buildings the key actions progressing in 2020 are;

Transport the key actions progressing in 2020 are;

The Council will undertake an assessment of the number of existing and potential future Electric Vehicle Charge points in its jurisdiction. SDCC, in cooperation with the other Dublin LAs has commissioned a report to assess the future requirement of Electric Vehicle charging points across the Dublin region. The report which is expected to be published later in the year will present strategy for the installation of EV charging points around the county on a projected needs basis. SDCC is also taking the opportunity to make provision for future EV needs as we develop our sites and properties. Our Climate Innovation Fund supported the installation of EV charging infrastructure at Kiltipper Park.

Programme of the development of cycle/pedestrian greenways.

SDCC, NTA and URDF Funded Projects

Dodder Greenway – Cycle route from Bohernabreena through to Tallaght Grand Canal Dock, DCC – 10Km – Under Construction.

N81 Jobstown, Cycling, Walking and Bus Facilities - Includes junctions with Killinarden and Fortunestown Roads – 2Km – Detailed Design and Tender.

Monastery Road Walking and Cycling Scheme - Connectivity from Luas Red Cow to Clondalkin Village – 0.4km – Under construction.

Green Schools Walkability Audits Infrastructure – Preliminary Design.

Grange Road Cycle Route - Improve ped, cycle and bus facilities – 1km –Detailed Design and Tender.

Wellington Lane Walking and Cycling Route - Improve ped, cycle and public realm connectivity from N81 Spawell to Kimmage Road West, DCC – 3km –Preliminary Design.

Tallaght to Liffey Valley Cycle Route - Improve and a create cycle commuter route from Lucan to LV to Clondalkin to Tallaght – 9.2km – Option Selection.

Light Segregation Pilot - Pilot Project - Install low cost barriers to protect cyclists on existing cycling routes – Option Selection.

N81 Transport and Planning Strategy - Review transport function, landscaping schemes, future plans for N81, including ped and cycling requirements – 7km - Option Selection.

SDCC Funded Projects

Belgard Square North to Cookstown Link Road - Includes cycling facilities – 0.3km - Under Construction .

Celbridge Link Road - Includes cycling facilities – 2.2km - Detailed Design and Tender.

Airton Road Extension - Includes cycling facilities – 0.35km – Preliminary Design.

Flood Resilience the key actions progressing in 2020 are;

Nature Based Solutions the key actions progressing in 2020 are; 

Resource Management Actions Progressing in 2020

Citizen Engagement