Wednesday, June 17, 2020
QUESTION: Councillor William Joseph Carey
"To ask the Chief Executive to set out what monies are available for the provision of sports changing rooms in the Clondalkin LEA and what plans are in place for these funds?"
Pavilion Programme.
In line with the recently developed Sports Pitch Strategy; Sports Pavilions are being provided on a shared basis for several clubs, at locations that have a number of playing pitches that require changing facilities. Pavilions are ideally located in areas with good passive surveillance, with good access to car parking and with good access to the pitch facilities they will serve.
SDCC’s pavilion construction programme is in progress and aims to provide for the provision of further changing facilities in public parks, commencing with provision at Dodder Valley-Old Bawn Park.
The following list of pavilions-county wide was agreed by the Council; within the Clondalkin LEA, a sports pavllion is proposed for Corkagh Park.:
To date, SDCC have been successful with applications for Sports Capital Grants for four of the above pavilions; including the pavillion at Corkagh Park in the sum of €550,000 and SDCC will continue to seek funding for the programme going forward.
Once Old Bawn Pavillion is completed the contractor will progress to the design and build of the pavilion at Griffeen Valley Park and then Corkagh Park all of which have funding from the Sports Capital Grants programme. Subsequent appointment for the contracts for these pavilions will be dependent on overall performance and adherence to agreed programme on the first pavilion; which to date has been satisfactory.
A Part 8 is currently underway for the Pavilion at Corkagh Park; this consultation commenced in early 2020; and a link is available here:
The period for public consultation has been extended as a result of Covid 19 and the CE report on the Part 8 process is expected to issue to the Council Meeting in July 2020.
Please note that the Covid-19 restrictions necessary to protect our public health has had an impact on all construction projects and will continue to do so going forward, as work can only proceed in line with risk assessments and control measures to reduce risk to construction workers and adjacent communities. This will necessarily have an impact on project planning and programming and may also have an adverse impact on costs.