South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, June 09, 2020


MOTION: Councillor Alan Edge

That this Area Committee calls upon the government to implement the National Small Business Recovery Plan as set out at



Government has released a wide range of financial supports and guidance available to help businesses impacted by the COVID-19 crisis to develop their individual business recovery plans. Details of which can be found here

Details of this comprehensive list of supports are also shared on the South Dublin Local Enterprise Office web-site together with links for advice and guidance to support any business in any sector to deal with the challenges of COVID-19 and support their preparations to restart / open up under in accordance with Government Guidelines.  

LEO South Dublin and South Dublin County Council have responded locally to the Government plans to Businesses impacted by COVID-19 with the provision of the following range of supports.

Details on COVID-19 supports were presented to the Tallaght SPC on May13th 2020 and can be viewed   here

Business Continuity Voucher

Business Continuity Voucher was launched 25th March, 2020 and in excess of 700 applications from business owners in South Dublin. The voucher is worth up to €2,500 in 3rd party consultancy costs to support business owners to make informed decisions about what immediate measures and remedial actions should be taken, to protect staff and sales in their businesses. The voucher is designed for businesses across every sector that employ up to 50 people.

(Applications for this voucher closed on 22nd May).

New COVID-19 Business Loan

COVID-19 Business Loans are a Government-funded initiative designed for micro-enterprises with less than 10 employees and €2m turnover. Loans of up to €50,000 are available at 4.5% interest rate are granted through Microfinance Ireland in partnership with LEO and are interest free and repayment free for first 6 months.

Trading on Line Vouchers (TOVs)

Trading on Line Vouchers (TOVs) expanded under the Government’s national Digital Strategy to support all businesses with up to 10 employees to increase their on-line trading presence. The voucher provides up to €2500 with co-funding of just 10% from the business.

Vouchers are also open to businesses that have already received a voucher to enable them to upgrade their on-line offering. Training and workshops are also provided. In excess of 700 individuals have attended the additional TOVs Workshops that were set up to support this scheme over the past 8 weeks and approximately 400 applications have been received to date and proportion of which are awaiting approval which is dependent on the availability of additional funding .


Mentoring virtual sessions are being conducted individually and in groups settings. These sessions are free of charge and provide the opportunity for business owners to chat directly with a member from our Mentor panel who provide advice and guidance as they develop strategies that are more robust, which address the issues and maximise potential opportunities when the COVID-19 crisis comes to an end.

Training & Webinars

All Training programmes, workshops and networking meet-ups have moved to on-line. Additional programmes on areas such as Cash Management in a Crisis, leading your business through COVID-19, Getting back to Business have been added to the regular training programme.

Lean for Micro

Lean for Micro is available to LEO clients to help build resilience within small businesses and can also be used to help implement new remote working and physical distancing guidelines.

Under the programme clients can avail of expert consultancy support to introduce lean principals and cost savings and assist the company benchmarking its performance.

LEO Financial Supports

LEO Financial Supports are available for existing and potential start-ups that meet eligibility criteria. Financial supports are offered to help manage current market challenges under Feasibility Study Grants, Priming Grants and Business Expansion Grants. Applications are all supported on-line.

Restart Grant

South Dublin County Council commenced taking on on-line applications to the new €250m Restart Grant on Friday 22nd May last. The Restart Grant will give direct grant aid to micro and small businesses to help them with the costs associated with reopening and reemploying workers following COVID-19 closures.

The Grant will be available to businesses with a turnover of less than €5m and employing 50 people or less, which were closed or impacted by at least a 25% reduction in turnover out to 30th June 2020. It is a contribution towards the cost of re-opening or keeping a business operational and re-connecting with employees and customers.

The grants will be equivalent to the rates bill of the business in 2019, with a minimum payment of €2,000 and a maximum payment of €10,000. Link to grant applicationis listed on SDCC COVID-19 section under the Business and the Economy tab here

South Dublin Business Support Funds details here and Shop Front Improvement Grants details here continue to be available to businesses also.