South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday, May 20, 2020


QUESTION: Councillor William Joseph Carey

"To ask the Chief executive to outline how much money has been spent by South Dublin County Council towards the provision of services to the site of houses built at Station Grove?

To further ask what fees have been paid to South Dublin County Council by the Developer towards the provision of services or any other development costs provided by South Dublin County Council in relation to the development of the site at Station Grove. To outline what steps the Chief Executive proposes to take to ensure that any cost to South Dublin County Council is recouped immediately from the Developer?"


Planning Ref: SD05A/0125

Applicant:    Sean Cleary

Location of Development:   5 Station Road, Clondalkin

Description of Development: 

9 residential units, comprising of 4 no. 2 and a half storey three-bedroom semi-detached houses and 5 no. 2 and a half storey three-bedroom terraced houses, each consisting of dormer window, roof light, front and rear garden.  The units will be connected to the main sewer and accessed via Station Road.  210m.sq. of public open space and 15 parking spaces will be provided on same lands. 

The following financial conditions were imposed to the grant of permission.


'The developer shall pay the sum of €85,096.00 (eighty five thousand  and ninety six euro)  (updated at the time of payment in accordance with changes in the Tender Price Index) to South Dublin County Council as a contribution towards expenditure in respect of public infrastructure and facilities benefiting development in the area of the planning authority and that is provided, or that it is intended will be provided, by or on behalf of the County Council as provided for in the Contribution Scheme for the County made by the Council'.  This contribution to be paid before the commencement of development on the site. 

REASON:  The provision of such facilities will facilitate the proposed development.  It is considered reasonable that the payment of a contribution be required, in respect of public infrastructure and facilities benefiting development in the area of the planning authority and that is provided, or that is intended will be provided, by or on behalf of the Local Authority. 


Before the development is commenced, the developer shall lodge with the South Dublin County Council a cash deposit of €44,436.00 (forty four thousand, four hundred and thirty six euro) , a bond of an Insurance Company of €71,106.00 (seventy one thousand one hundred and six euro), or other security to secure the provision and satisfactory completion and maintenance to taking-in-charge standard of roads, footpaths, sewers, watermains, drains, public lighting and other services required in connection with the development.

REASON: To ensure the satisfactory completion of the development.